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Sunday, August 23, 2020
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Islamic Law Essay
Quran and Sunnah are the crucial wellsprings of Islamic Shariah. At the point when the answer for the emerging issues isn't accessible in these sources, Ijtihad is utilized to arrive at a fitting arrangement in Islamic statute. Auxiliary wellsprings of Islamic Shariah like Ijma, Qiyas, Istihsan and Maslahah are likewise types of Ijtihad. These auxiliary sources give an arrangement and an information base to the Mujtahid to reach to an answer of an issue in the most suitable manner and simultaneously aid detailing of Islamic law and advancement of arrangement of Shariah in general. Presentation Quran and Sunnah (as Hadith) are the two major wellsprings of Shariah. By and large the definition and adequacy of every single other wellspring of Shariah changes in different groups of Islam. As indicated by Sunni way of thinking, the crucial wellsprings of Islam incorporate Quran, Sunnah and Ijtihad, while as indicated by Shiite way of thinking, Quran and Sunnah are the main bona fide wellsprings of Shariah and Ijtihad must be a contributing element and that excessively just in certain conditions. Ijtihad can be characterized as utilization of one’s own most extreme capacities in getting auxiliary suppositions from the four crucial wellsprings of Islamic law, in particular Quran, Sunnah, Ijma and Qiyas†. Can the Secondary Sources be Characterized as Forms of Ijtihad according to greater part of Muslim researchers, particularly Sunni Muslims, all the auxiliary sources including Ijma, Qiyas, Istihsan and Maslahah are formsâ of Ijtihad. Or maybe all these auxiliary sources in a single structure or the other contribute towards Ijtihad. For instance, if there should be an occurrence of an occasion for which no bona fide confirmation is accessible in Quran and Sunnah, the main choice accessible is Ijtaihad. This Ijtaihad will either be bolstered by accord of various educated researchers of Islam, or it will be finished by looking at and attracting similitudes or contrasts the various occasions of past which happened during the hours of Prophet or His mates. In the event that no past occasion is accessible, and agreement doesn't happen among the researchers on the issue, at that point the main way out is to either search for the ‘good by one’s own deliberations’ (Istihsan) or to figure out what is in light of a legitimate concern for human government assistance (Istislah or Maslahah). Subsequently, it won't not be right to state that all the four optional sources can be described as types of Ijtihad and all contribute towards it. Significance of Having so Many Different Sources to Represent Ijtihad is a mind boggling marvel and that is the reason, exceptionally severe measures have been set in Islam for an individual to be a Mujtahid. Along these lines, while making a judgment a Mujtahid needs to assess the accessible information before he continues to make a judgment. Presently the most valid and basic sources I. e. Quran and Sunnah have just been precluded for the explanation that if an answer was available is those sources, there was no requirement for Ijtihad. Without those two sources, a Mujtahid needs some extra sources so as to figure the judgment, however Quran and Sunnah must be kept at the rear of the psyche. These extra sources like Ijma, Qiyas, Istihsan and Maslahah give the Mujtahid an information base and a succession to break down the occasion and lead him consistently to a worthy arrangement which isn't clashing with the lessons of Quran and Sunnah. In this way, it is critical to have different sources to speak to Ijtihad. Significance of Secondary Sources in Creating Law and Development of System of Shariah While considering the Islamic law, one must remember that the circumstances are different a great deal since the period of Prophet Muhammad and with the progression of opportunity numerous circumstances came up which were not there in the hours of Prophet. For instance in the hours of Prophet, there was not idea of photography and just thing that was accessible was â€Å"Tasweer†that is the hand painted pictures and the individual who made those photos was known as â€Å"Mussawir†. The Prophet denied the â€Å"Tasweer†in that time and He was cited as saying that an individual who will make a â€Å"Tasweer†will be solicited on the Day from Judgment to bring life into that â€Å"Tasweer†. Today, we realize that in the current period photography is an impulse in visa and personality cards and so forth. Accordingly, Islamic researchers arrived at a resolution through Ijtihad that what was precluded was â€Å"Tasweer| and not the photography. Photography, according to present day science, is really the picture protected on a paper and even the friends of the Prophet used to see the picture in reflect or in the water, so as per researchers, it isn't restricted in Islam. Correspondingly there are numerous different issues which required arrangement in the here and now because of modernization and coming of innovation. In the event that these optional sources were not utilized in production of Islamic law, the Islamic law will get stale and won't have the option to meet the necessities of changing situation and current improvements of science and innovation. Thus, the premise qualities of these auxiliary sources I. e. agreement, estimation and correlation, value and open approach are on the whole critical in plan of Islamic law. One next to the other, it will likewise help being developed of arrangement of Shariah in general in order to meet the necessity of sober mindedness, reasonableness and need of the evolving times. End According to Holy Quran, Prophet Muhammad has been sent as a Prophet for entire universe and this is beyond the realm of imagination till the time his lessons are relevant to all the occasions. This appropriateness for all the occasions is just conceivable if the lessons can be deciphered by evolving times. This is just conceivable through these auxiliary sources, whenever utilized effectively as per the essential lessons of Quran and Sunnah. Subsequently, these optional sources are a vital part of Islamic law and must be taken accordingly. References have not been refered to according to the prerequisite of the customer. Unique language has been utilized without citations.
Wednesday, July 15, 2020
Write Place, Write Time Kathleen Alcott
Write Place, Write Time Kathleen Alcott After years of bookshelves I thought less than beautiful, I finally did something right. These are old library ladders with the support side sawed off that I mounted inexpertly to the wall with twine and nails. I like how they lean in different directions. Also pictured: an old wheel a friend found in her backyard, a hat that is too ridiculous to wear almost anywhere, and a print of a jellyfish on an old encyclopedia page. On the desk proper are some sculptures of barnacles, because the ocean makes me feel safe. Not pictured are awfully messy stacks of books that don’t fit on the ladders. I am, ever, in need of more shelving. This is a 60’s telephone table, a horse, and some flowers. I often buy roses to combat the smell of all the cars going by my street-side window, and to feel better when various late night carousers are going through the garbage cans less than two feet from where I’m sleeping. (It’s an odd lullaby, but I guess it’s mine.) I keep this wooden airplane over my bed, not for any reasons like “It helps my spirit fly!†but rather: I am a god-damn child and this seems like some airy, adult way of getting away with a wooden toy. Like, wow, she must be whimsical. There is a treehouse in my backyard, and this is the view. It’s a little weathered (read: unsafe and tetanus-y), but I do scramble up here and think or jot sometimes. Oh, so this is essential. I keep this coffeemaker by my bed that magically wakes me up by grinding beans at the juncture in the a.m. I’ve specified. So it beckons me into the conscious world with both the sound and then the smell of fresh coffee. I am big into dreamland and also work for myself, and so this helps me get my ass out of bed. And, yeah, I guess above there you can see a bit of the rollerskates hanging on the wall. Nb: god-damn child. Kathleen Alcotts debut novel, The Dangers of Proximal Alphabets, published just this past month. Her short fiction and essays appear or are forthcoming in American Short Fiction, Five Chapters, Slice, Vol. 1 Brooklyn, Explosion Proof, The Rumpus, and elsewhere. A native of Northern California and a resident of Brooklyn, she is at work on her second novel. Sign up to Unusual Suspects to receive news and recommendations for mystery/thriller readers.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
A Concussion Is A Mild Traumatic Brain Injury - 1768 Words
A concussion is a mild traumatic brain injury. A concussion occurs when you receive an impact to the head. The importance of concussions varies and affect all types of athletes, from professionals to little leagues players. Sport concussions has become a major problem and it could be long-term effects of this injury if not properly treated. However, a concussion is usually short-lived. Several people recover from concussions within seven to ten days while others may take even longer than that (Zalser, 2015). Sadly, once an athlete has experienced a concussion, it is possible that he or she is at greater risk for varies concussions. In addition, because of the wide range of symptoms concussions cause, it is important that coaches, athletes, and parents are aware of them. Symptoms of sport concussions are not always obvious. Some may appear right away and others can be hindered for numerous of days after the injury occurred. The most common symptoms are headaches, drowsiness, confusion , balance, dizziness, and memory loss. When a player receives a blow to the head and is slow to get up, the athletic trainer or whoever is over them checks them out. There are a number of tests that can be ran on the athlete to make sure that they are thinking and seeing clearly. Just recently people have started paying more attention to concussions because new studies have come to light describing how bad they can affect you in the long run, for example; years after a football player career isShow MoreRelatedConcussions Or Mild Traumatic Brain Injuries958 Words  | 4 PagesConcussions or mild traumatic brain injuries (MTBI) are the most common forms of traumatic brain injury. There are between 1.6 and 3.8 million concussions a year that occur due to sports and recreation accidents alone (CDC). Mild concussions and MTBIs were once thought to be insignificant in terms of consequences. However, there now is significant evidence that neurological even with what is thought to be a mild injury, physiological, and cognitive changes can occur. Individuals sustaining mild brainRead MoreBiomechanics : Concussions And Mild Traumatic Brain Injury1820 Words  | 8 PagesMichael Dunaway Professor Steven H. Elder ABE 4613 3 December 2014 Biomechanics of Concussions in American Football A concussion or mild traumatic brain injury(mTBI) is an acceleration/deceleration injury resulting from biomechanical forces transmitted to the cerebral tissues from impacts to the head (Broglio). Concussive sport injuries make up the majority of all brain injuries in the United States with 1.6 to 3.8 million cases every year. Every year athletes get bigger, better, faster, andRead MoreRecovery Time After Concussion Essay855 Words  | 4 Pagesblood test predict recovery time after concussion? Abstract Background: There is currently no objective testing markers to predict recovery time after an athlete suffers a concussion. Recent studies are aimed to determine whether or not biomarkers in the blood will be able to help in identifying recovery time after a concussion. Purpose: To determine whether or not protein biomarkers in the blood can serve to predict adequate recovery time after a concussion. Results: Gill et al. reports a higherRead MoreThe Awareness Of Traumatic Brain Injuries1334 Words  | 6 Pagesawareness of Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI) has increased and the information available is better now than it was in the past. I believe many people are aware of concussions and traumatic brain injuries but not how it can affect their brain. Traumatic Brain injuries are a very complex injury with a broad spectrum of symptoms and disabilities. 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The changes are seen in the fragile neuronal homeostatic balances where changes in the elevations of glutamate and potassium have been identified. The effects of concussions have also been seen in the functioning of the brain rather than in the structure of the brain itself. Being identified as mild traumatic brain injuries, occurring due to a bump or jolt to head or neck, concussions can resultRead MoreConcussions And The Brain : One Of The Body s Most Important Organs1028 Words  | 5 PagesHarris-May Teacher Lynda Kachman CTE Advanced Studies 4 November 2014 Concussions and the brain: One of the body’s most important organs. The brain is the center of the nervous system; it receives information, interprets the information and guides the body’s response to the information. Three parts of the brain are the cerebrum, cerebellum, and the diencephalon, along with the brain stem. The cerebrum is the largest part of the brain which handles memory, speech, the senses, emotional responses and muchRead MoreAthletic Trainers And Other Health Care Professionals1498 Words  | 6 PagesCerebral concussions have become a serious and important topic for athletic trainers and other health-care professionals’ .Athletics has become very popular and diverse in our society. With athletics, come many serious injuries including cerebral concussions. A cerebral concussion is defined as a transient neurological dysfunction of the brain resulting from a biomechanical force.1 A concussion is a subset of a mild traumatic brain injury (MTBI) which is generally self-limited and at the less-severeRead MoreAdvance Asse ssment Of Concussion Diagnosis1542 Words  | 7 PagesWilliams Draft October essay: Advance assessment of concussion Concussion diagnosis is assessed through a variety of subjective clinical assessment tools (ex: SCAT3, SAC, BESS, Symptom checklists).17 These clinical assessment tools are often subjective in nature and largely rely on the patients’ test performance. Researchers are currently seeking out appropriate advanced concussion assessment approaches that are more objective. The following essay will outline Functional Magnetic Resonance ImagingRead MoreRecent Epidemiological Studies Have Linked Mild Traumatic1509 Words  | 7 Pageslinked mild traumatic brain injury as a risk factor for dementia. Estimated that 100 to 300 per 100,000 people seek medical attention for mTBI annually worldwide. Due to not all persons with mTBI seeking medical attention it is estimated that 600 per 100,000 have a mTBI annually. Epidemiological evidence suggests that moderate or severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) is an important risk factor for neurodegenerative diseases such as: Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Physical, Social, And Cognitive Development - 1403 Words
In order to answer questions about ones physical, social, and cognitive development we must first know what that means. Physical development involves growth and changes in the body and brain, the senses, motor skills, health and wellness. Cognitive development involves learning, attention, memory, language, thinking, reasoning, and creativity. Psychosocial development involves emotions, personality, and social relationships. 1) Chapter 10: Emotion and Motivation Motivation describes the wants or needs that direct behavior toward a goal. In addition to biological motives, motivations can be intrinsic or extrinsic. Intrinsically motivated behaviors are performed because of the sense of personal satisfaction that they bring, while†¦show more content†¦Our personalities are thought to be long term, stable, and not easily changed. Infants who are just a few weeks old display differences between each other in how active they are, how responsive they are to change, and how irritable they are. Some infants cry constantly while others seem happy and stay fairly quiet. Temperamental traits are enduring personality characteristics that are neither good nor bad. Early on, parents can work with the child s temperamental traits rather than oppose them. Later, as the child grows up, parents can help the child to adapt to his or her own world in spite of inborn temperament. Whereas children and adolescents are generally supported by parents, adults must make their own living and must start their own families. One of the major markers of adulthood is the ability to create an effective and independent life. Despite the challenges of early and middle adulthood, the majority of middle-aged adults are happy. These years are often very satisfying, as families have been established, careers have been entered into, and some percentage of life goals has been realized. The role changes that accompany old age especially in work and family roles. The adjustments are made slowly and less frequent as aging advances. Firstly, there is a focus on the maintenance of one s life and quality of lifestyle rather than on discovery and creativity. Secondly, the task center on happening on what is occurring in lives of others.Show MoreRelatedCognitive, Social, And Physical Development936 Words  | 4 PagesCognitive, Social Physical Development Early Childhood Education emphasizes the development of the whole child: Cognitive, social and physical. Some educators emphasize the cognitive domain, neglecting social and physical development. Student learning is enhanced when teachers incorporate the three domains into planning and implementation of curriculum. 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Elawady MD2, Doaa Mohammad MSC1 Pediatrics Department, Faculty of Medicine, Benha University, Egypt1 Community Department, Faculty of Medicine, Benha University, Egypt2 Abstract Background: Our lives become saturated with technology and mobile phones are an essential part of our daily activity, and many of our entertainment is provided through theRead MorePhysical, Cognitive, And Social Development Of Harper, A 3 Year Old Girl952 Words  | 4 PagesOn March 19, 2016, I had the opportunity to observe the physical, cognitive, and social development of Harper, a 3 year old girl. The observations were conducted at Building Blocks Daycare Center, Brandon, Iowa and the infant’s parents consented to participate in the live observations. The parents are Bryan and Brittney they are expecting a second child and today is the reveal party for the second. Harper appears to be happy about the day, she is running and playing with the other children thatRead MoreAn Early Childhood Educator : Understanding The Physical, Social, Emotional, And Cognitive Development Of Each Child1024 Words  | 5 Pages As educators we should set up a high quality classroom environment where the child can grow, learn and explore at his or her own developmental level. I believe that as an early childhood educator my goal is to promote the physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development of each child. Also educators must find a good balance between teacher-directed and child-initiated activities. 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A Letter to a Friend Free Essays
Dear Julia, I’m very glad that you are coming to visit my family and me the next month. We haven’t seen each other for ages and I missed you a lot so I hope that you are not going to change your mind about that trip. So I’m writing this letter to let you know something about my plans for your trip. We will write a custom essay sample on A Letter to a Friend or any similar topic only for you Order Now During your stay here we would like to take you sightseeing around Moscow, visiting different places of your interest. It could be museums, parks, exhibitions and anything else you would love to see and take pictures of. The next day after your arrival we are having my dad’s birthday, so it would be great if you agree to celebrate it with us. During the next couple of days it is up to you what we are going to do – we have plenty of activities for you to choose from: having fun at the waterpark, skiing, ice-skating, shopping and many more besides them. We hope that you will love your stay here! Speaking about what you need to bring with you, I want to warn you that winter in Russia is cold and windy. Try to take with you at least a couple of sweaters and warm pants or jeans, as well as socks and winter boots. And don’t forget your hat and a warm jacket. Anyway, if you forget anything – don’t worry, you can buy everything you need here. My dad and I will meet you at the Domodedovo airport on Thursday, February’28 at 4 p. m. near the main entrance. If you have difficulties in finding us – just call me. I can’t wait to see you! Yours, How to cite A Letter to a Friend, Papers
Friday, April 24, 2020
Sybil reaction free essay sample
My reaction to the movie was that I was quite shocked actually how different DID is in the movie than what I originally expected the disorder to look like. I never knew that the transitions into each different personality was so quick and sudden, and I was always under the impression that individuals with DID could remember what happened while they are another personality. When I watched the movie, I tried to picture Sybil as a loved one, tried to imagine what it would be like if a family member or my girlfriend had this disorder in order for me to understand better how hard it would be. I learned a couple more things as well. I learned that there is no limit to how many personalities an individual can have with DID, and I also learned that certain personalities reside from childhood and earlier life experiences. I’ve seen movies or TV shows before that dealt with a person having DID before, but I was always under the impression that it was only one other personality that controlled you. We will write a custom essay sample on Sybil reaction or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page As I was watching Sybil, and I saw that she was being controlled by multiple personalities it really opened my eyes and I realized that this disorder is more complex and more messed up than I had thought it was. I had also never realized that these personalities came from life experiences. Previously I had thought that DID was genetic, and that people with DID were doomed from the start but that is not at all the case, and I now know that DID is preventable, but also impossible to detect before it happens. My mind was completely blown by this video and my perspective on this disorder is completely different. I definitely feel that I have learned a lot from this movie, and I know now that
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