Thursday, October 31, 2019
SPORT DEVELOPMENT IN THE COMMUNITY Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
SPORT DEVELOPMENT IN THE COMMUNITY - Assignment Example In addition, physical activities help to encourage the youth and the disabled to attend school as it gives them something to look up to thus, increase the rate of school attendance in the community (Smith and Waddington 2004). The disabled, elderly, pre and postnatal are the greatest beneficiary of physical activities as physical activities enhances their social life, technical skills and communication skills thus, help to keep these group of people in line with the community. Hence, physical activities directly affect the community, as it is the main form of ensuring the continuity of the community, society development and regeneration (Stormann 1996). Physical activity is a branch of physical education since it has trainers and professional instructors who teach and offer instructions as a formal education. Physical activity is for people who need adaptation to participate in physical activities. Adaptation is research and practices that serve people of all ages who do not get good services offered by sport sciences and are disadvantaged in accessing opportunities provided by physical activities (Stormann 1996). It extends’ beyond disabled people and includes the aged, young and obese individuals, among other categories. Adaptation is provided in terms of appropriately modified and designed sport equipment( for example prosthesis and wheelchairs), using a different skill of instructions, modified task criteria , nonverbal instructions and increasing or decreasing court dimensions (Vail 1992). It is all about matching personal interests and strengths with the appropriate activities, to promote participation in physical acti vities. This is regardless of the population engaged in the physical activity. Leisure World Colchester is a physical activity centre, which serves the local community, students and members of
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
The incoming UK government Essay Example for Free
The incoming UK government Essay In 1997, the incoming UK government provided The National Literacy Strategy, a steady and consistent1 means of raising standards of literacy, in English primary schools. The motive behind raising these standards was for the economy because if the levels of literacy were to low in a significant proportion of the population, then the economy could have shattering consequences. In a report on the impact of literacy, education and training on the UK Economy, the accountants Ernst and Young estimate that; 60% of all jobs now require reasonable reading skills2 and goes on to warn that UK productivity is relatively low compared with its major competitors Whilst in opposition, the government had set up a Literacy Task force, which set out a National Literacy Strategy designed to raise these standards in English primary schools across the UK. Targets were set and by 2002, 80% of year six children were expected to reach level four or above in the Key Stage 2 English tests. The Framework inside the National Literacy Strategy had been derived from means developed by the previous government in the National Literacy Project, also aimed to raise standards of literacy but only in a specified number of LEAs. This Framework sets out teaching objectives from reception through to year six to enable children to become fully literate and it provides a useful structure of class and time management for the daily Literacy hour. It is also expected that extra time may be needed for the allocation of reading to the class, pupils own independent reading for interest and pleasure and extended writing as well as Literacy being productively linked to other curriculum areas. The main objectives that the framework focuses on is three broad divisions of literacy, these include word level work, e.g. phonics, vocabulary, spelling, and handwriting, sentence level work, e.g. punctuation and grammar. And finally text level work, e.g. comprehension and composition. The National Literacy Strategy gives examples of what a literate primary pupil should be able to do, for example, read and write with confidence, fluency and understanding; be able to orchestrate a full range of reading cues (phonic, graphic, syntactic, contextual) to monitor their reading and correct their own mistakes3 As far as childrens progress in reading is concerned the National Literacy Strategy states that from the outset children must understand that words are made up of letters and these letters correspond with spoken sounds. In Key Stage 1, they should be taught to check their reading for sense, using grammar and the meaning of the text. This should then help them identify errors and correct them, not only whilst in Key Stage 1 but Key Stage 2 and beyond. Methods of teaching reading suggested by the National Literacy Strategy include, shared reading, guided reading and individual reading, each playing an important part in the learning to read process. Shared reading involves the whole class using a text e.g. a big book, text extract or poster. Here the teacher leads the reading pointing as she goes, with the children joining in. This method was developed by teachers working with Don Holdaway (1979) in New Zealand and has advantages that can over ride some of the difficulties that teachers experience with regular books, for example the book can be shared by the whole class and every one can see the print, the teacher can direct the childrens reading by pointing to indicate where they start reading and can bring to attention certain words, punctuation, graphology quicker by indicating using a finger or pointing tool. Holdaways idea of shared reading and carpet time is to re-invent the bed-time story and create a homely routine that can be practised in the classroom, and allow all the children to have intimate access to the book. From my own experience of shared reading I find that the children enjoy this part of literacy hour because of the intimacy and informal set up of the classroom. I found that even years five and six enjoy carpet time because it brings the class closer together and the formal classroom atmosphere almost disappears. Research by Lloyd Eldredge, Ray Rentzel and Paul Hollingsworth at Brigham Young University proved that this method was more successful than previous methods i.e. round robin. After four months, the shared reading group had significantly higher scores on tests of reading fluency, vocabulary acquisition and comprehension. There was evidence that the supported reading experience of the shared reading group had the greatest impact on the word recognition abilities of the pupils who initially were the poorest readers 4 In this situation I found the children more likely to ask questions about the text or the vocabulary used and children who were not used to reading or seemed distanced when reading individual work were more alert and interactive and able to work from texts beyond their independent reading levels. From being in a classroom one of the difficulties I have noticed, especially in the reading progress, is coping with differentiated groups. This is where guided reading comes into action. As with shared reading, guided reading helps children to progress by developing a deeper and clearer understanding than might be achieved individually. Talking to the teacher and their peers whilst reading a text can develop skills such as critical perspectives, predicting plot developments and being able to extract key points in a text. As well as being developed for the childrens progress, guided reading was introduced to make more efficient use of the teachers time. A report by OFSTED (1996) found teachers spending too much time listening to each child read. Guided reading has been developed so the teacher is in a position to focus on points tat are relevant for the whole ability group rather than individuals. It has also been noted that boys respond more positively to active and interactive nature of such readings 5 This sounds all very well but drawing on my own experience I find it does not always work like that. When the teacher is working with one group, the other groups do not work to their standard, either because a discussion has turned into an argument, the children are having difficulties and there is no one to help or they have lost concentration. However, for what ever the reason the children are distracted, this part of the lesson seems to be a difficult section to maintain the standards and expectations as stated in the National Literacy Strategy. On my first placement I saw a different approach to guided reading, in the form of reading in pairs, a year six child and a year three child were reading partners. I believe that this reading partner technique should play a bigger part in the National Literacy Strategy than it already does. At present all it states in the document is; to enable other pupils to work independently individually, in pairs or in groups without recourse to the teacher 6 In the situation I witnessed where an older child choose a book for a younger peer and listened to him reading it, was a valuable experience for both children. The year three enjoyed the attention from the older child and seemed highly motivated in his reading. The year six however, gained experience in choosing books for other people, rather than reading a book he was thinking about suitable content, language and illustrations for the younger child to enjoy. This is an excellent way in which to offer a meaningful context for children to consider these different aspects of the reading process. For the year three child this partnership allowed for development within the zone of proximal development, this is Vygotskys description where; what a child can do with assistance today she will be able to do by her self tomorrow7 Also for the older child the routine is challenging as it enforces a different thinking. In the same twenty minute period as guided reading the National Literacy Strategy also expects some individual work to take place. The objectives for these are stated in the document and include; independent reading and writing proof reading and editing comprehension work8 The National Literacy Strategy also states that; pupils should be trained not to interrupt the teacher and there should be sufficient resources and alterative strategys for them to fall back on if they get stuck 9 Having taught a literacy lesson I find this last quote ironic. The whole point of having a teacher is to teach the children to read and here it says the children must be trained not to interrupt the teacher. I am speaking from my own experience when I say that no matter how many resources or alternative strategies you offer children, the child will always come to the teacher first. However, I do agree with the fact that children should be taught and learn, not train, to find information and solve difficulties using alternatives such as a CD-ROM or a dictionary. Other strategies that are discussed in the National Literacy Strategy that will forward their progression in reading include; Direction, this is to enable the pupils to know what they are doing, to draw attention to key points and to develop key strategies in reading and writing. Another example is modelling; pupils are to discuss features of written texts through the process of shared reading of books and extracts. From first hand experience I believe that the National Literacy Strategy, along with other documents i.e. National Numeracy Strategy, will benefit children and teachers and make primary pupils more literate. The structured routine is consistent and concise throughout Key Stage one and Key Stage two however, for a teacher to meet these standards and produce high quality work from the children as well as making lessons, discursive, interactive, well-paced, confident and ambitious (as stated in the National Literacy Strategy) is a demanding challenge. In 1992, Jaap Scheerens meta-analysed research from across the world and provided factors which affect schools and their performance. His research showed structured teaching was important and defined this as; making clear what has to be learnt, dividing material into manageable units, teaching in a well considered sequenceregular testing, immediate feedback10 His research also showed that whole class teaching is often more effective than individualised teaching and the time spent on subjects and how the children are inspired, challenged and praised all increase learning activity. The National Literacy Strategy incorporates most of Scheerens findings and because of the way it is set out as a uniform for the whole country to follow, I believe standards could be raised. However, I also believe that the way children are taught to read and understand texts by using extracts and part of texts could be damaging to the pupil. It makes reading seem un-enjoyable and this is exactly what the National Literacy Strategy is trying to avoid. Most of the children I have worked with have enjoyed the Literacy Hour more when they can work on a text they have read all the way through and they feel they have a better understanding and better liking of the text. Resource List * Eldredge, J.L., Reutzel, D.R., and Hollingsworth, P.M., 1996, Comparing the Effectiveness of Two Oral Reading Practices: Round-Robin and the Shared Book Experience, Journal of Literacy Research. * Ernst Young, 1993, Literacy, Education and Training: Their impact on the UK economy * Graham, J., Kelly, A., Reading Under Control, Teaching Reading in the Primary School, 2000 * Literacy Task Force, 1997b The Implementation of the National Literacy Strategy, DFEE * National Literacy Strategy, Introduction, 1998,DFEE * Scheerens, J., 1992, Effective Schooling: Research, Theory and Practice * Vygotsky, L., 1962, Thought and Language 1 Literacy Task Force, 1997b The Implementation of the National Literacy Strategy, DFEE 2 Ernst Young, 1993, Literacy, Education and Training: Their impact on the UK economy 3 National Literacy Strategy, Introduction, 1998, DFEE 4 Eldredge, J.L., Reutzel, D.R., and Hollingsworth, P.M., 1996, Comparing the Effectiveness of Two Oral Reading Practices: Round-Robin and the Shared Book Experience, Journal of Literacy Research. 5 Graham, J., Kelly, A., Reading Under Control, Teaching Reading in the Primary School, 2000 6 National Literacy Strategy, Introduction p 12, 1998, DFEE 7 Vygotsky, L., 1962, Thought and Language 8 National Literacy Strategy, Introduction p 13, 1998, DFEE 9 National Literacy Strategy, Introduction p 12, 1998, DFEE 10 Scheerens, J., 1992, Effective Schooling: Research, Theory and Practice
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Financial liberalisation
Financial liberalisation Financial Liberalisation refers to deregulation of domestic financial market and liberalisation of the capital account that implies removing the ceiling on interest rates. When it is in a liberalised system the competition between the different lending institutions for the deposits will increase interest rates on deposits which will increase the deposits. The availability of credit will increase and this will cause an increase in investment growth. The stages of growth increases activity in the financial markets that makes the introduction and the development of financial institutions. It is argued that financial institutions, by gathering and evaluating information from borrowers, allow the allocation of funds for investment plans to become more efficient and therefore encourage growth and investment. Banks have a role in the process of development. These banks gives the chance for individuals to hold their savings in the form of deposits, so lowing the need to hold them in the form of illiquid unproductive tangible assets, as this increases liquidity in the economy. Banks could use the deposits to invest such as currency and capital etc. While an individuals need for liquidity remains unpredictable, banks, by law of large numbers, face a predictable demand for deposit withdrawals, and this in turn allows banks to invest funds more efficiently. The rate of growth reacts positively to the interest rate but investment reacts negatively to the interest rate. Higher interest rate discourage low return investment, investors will be induced to undertake high return investments, thereby bringing efficiency to investment, which in turn will improve the growth rate to a greater extent than that which is possible under financial repression. Interest rate does not affect of saving indirectly but it is instead a role of income. The relationship linking the availability of credit and investment growth can be about interest rates which play a role more in particular, lenders and borrowers. The theory is they can be sure about the loans being repaid. The problem is that borrowers can not guarantee their repayments. With this in mind uncertainty enters into the equation in to the loan repayment so lender take measures in case borrowers plans are unsuccessful and lenders try not to lose their loan capital. So in order to cover this they use the credit standard in the loan calculation. For borrowers that mean they will have to be able get the credit standard in order to receive a loan. If liberalisation happened and the reason was a rise in interest rate this will increase the deposit and increases in the availability of credit. But a rise in deposit will affect the loan rate by increasing but in relation with the size of the loan cause increase in the repayment rate. So credit standard is set on size of the loan and when interest rate increases it does not cover the banks loan capital. So if banks would want to be covered by the credit standard they like to have zero credit risk. To achieve this they would increase the credit standard to make sure that they zero credit risk. This will mean that borrower would take a large amount or unable to meet the demand they will not be allowed the loan. This means an increase in the availability of credit will not guarantee access to the loan market. When interest rates increases, investors who want to get high returns will be attain less than they paid for and they will lose if they sell. Therefore they do not sell. Investors who invest large amount take advantage of high interest rate; these investors have a high credit risk. So the greater flow of credit makes share prices to increase and they higher profits because of the price increase. Since profit from the acquisition and the sale of shares rises, loan capital will be further attracted to the stock market, so it increases the stock market activity. This introduces the possibility of attracting a substantial portion of the loan capital to move different parts of the economy in favour of financial assets. This evidently raises a concern about the efficiency gain by means of liberalisation. In this process them return on loans will no longer be linked with the yield from shares; rather it will be inter-locked with the return from the expected change in share prices when economic activities are falling. If bad news spread that will decrease share prices. So investors will not make profit from the change in share prices. Therefore investors will find it hard to keep their debt in order. This is where a serious problem arises, and that is, if the actual price falls short of the expected price and so borrowers wont be able to keep their word that they gave to banks. In this problem arises because the banks cannot maintain their credit standard requirements for these borrowers. In other words, banks have advanced loans which exceed the aggregate value of the borrowers assets. Thus the core problem lies with banks needing to take high level of credit risk from large loans because of liberalisation. As said before any bad news that will cause banks a lot of problem and this will lead to a financial crisis. Because of this reason the crisis happens since most of loans had high levels of credit risk. The credit crunch is what economist use it means a shortage of funds for lending, which reduce the availability of loans. The credit crunch can happen for several reasons because of a shape rise in interest rates and the government has direct money controls and also funds decreasing in the capital markets. The latest credit crunch happened because of a sudden increase in defaults on subprime mortgages. The Credit crunch started in United States and eventually spread across the world. The mortgage lenders sold lots of mortgages to customers who have low income and who are first time buyers and have not got a good credit rating these customers are the called subprime borrowers. They thought that house market would boom and mortgages still reasonable but they were lax lending of mortgages to subprime borrowers. The reason they were lax is because mortgage brokers got paid to sell mortgages. These cause for more mortgages to be sold, even though it was expensive and high risk of default. Mortgages companies wanted to make more money on the subprime mortgages and they put the debt into a package and sold it to other companies. This is how it turned globally because of â€Å"package sub-prime home loans into mortgage-backed securities known as CDOs (collateralised debt obligations).†[timesonlinea. 24 Feb. 2010]. They sold it to hedge funds and investment banks because they thought they would get high returns on it. They tried to spread the risk but made the situation worst. The rating agencies gave subprime mortgages a low risk rating but they are very high risk rating and this got transferred to the lenders. In the balance sheets the risk would not be shown. â€Å"Many of these mortgages had an introductory period of 1-2 years of very low interest rates. At the end of this period, interest rates increased.†[mortgagesguideuka, 24 Feb. 2010]. So this cause mortgages repayment to become expensive after the introductory period because interest rate increased from inflation. Also â€Å"Homeowners also faced lower disposable income because of rising health care costs, rising petrol prices and rising food prices.†[mortgagesguideukb, 24 Feb. 2010]. Homeowners found it difficult to hold their houses because it was getting repossess. Many Homeowners were not able to repay the mortgage payments and so this caused an increase in default on their loans. Because of the defaults it was one of the main reasons of the end of housing boom in the US. With housing prices falling this caused further problems with mortgages. â€Å"For example, people with 100% mortgages now faced negative equity. It also meant that the loans were no longer secured. If people did default, the bank couldnt guarantee to recoup the initial loan.†[mortgagesguideukc, 24 Feb. 2010]. Many US mortgages companies went bust because of the increase in defaults but mortgage lender were not only to suffer as banks lost money in mortgage debt because of the package they got from US mortgage companies. Now Banks had to write off big losses and made them unwilling to lend, mostly in the subprime sector. This was a domino effect and the affect the rest of the world for borrowing money and raising funds. â€Å"For example, biotech companies rely on ‘high risk investment and are now struggling to get enough funds.†[mortgagesguideukd, 24 Feb. 2010]. Since the borrowing was restricted this also affected the economy with a recession very likely especially in US. But In UK mortgage lender were more controlled in lending than the US. . In the UK many problems occurred with Northern Rock who invested in subprime mortgages. â€Å"Northern rock had a high % of risky loans, but, also had the highest % of loans financed through reselling in the capital markets. When the subprime crisis hit, Northern Rock could no longer raise enough funds in the usual capital market. It was left with a shortfall and eventually had to make the humiliating step to asking the Bank of England for emergency funds. Because the Bank asked for emergency funds, this caused its customers to worry and start to withdraw savings (even though savings werent directly affected).†[mortgagesguideuke, 24 Feb. 2010]. Also another banks HBOS having the same situation. This shows that word and mouth can cause total panic in short amount of time. The events in the US caused the same problems in the UK with mortgages being expensive and the market drying up and with high risk mortgages taken away. This cause house prices to fall and homeowner facing negative equity so they default on loan, which makes bank lose more money. For example â€Å"Bradford Bingley was nationalised because it couldnt raise enough finance. The BB had specialised in buy to let loans, which are particularly susceptible to falling house prices.†[mortgagesguideukf, 24 Feb. 2010]. This credit crunch may last for a while because house price in the US as well as UK is still going down which makes mortgage loans under valued. Also interest rates are soaring especially when the homeowner finish their inductor periods. If a recession happens in US it could make more bad loans. It will be hard to get more confidence in the financial markets. In conclusion credit crunch could have been avoided if banks had a tighter restriction on access to loans, especially in the US and making sure no bad news circulates as this make people panic and making the situation worst. As for financial liberalisation it is important to introduce an interest rate ceiling on deposit rates to reduce excessive competition among lending institutions for depositors, which may minimize the possibility of financial crisis. Bibliography Books Lecture notes Basu.S. Financial Liberalisation and Intervention: A New Analysis of Credit Rationing Peter Howells and Keith Bain. (2008) The Economics of Money, Banking and finance A European text Fourth edition, Essex, Pearson limited Web Page E. Murat Ucer. Notes on Financial Liberalization, [online] Available from: [Accessed 24 Feb 2010] David Budworth, The credit crunch explained, [online] Available from: [Accessed 24 Feb 2010] Credit crunch explained, [online] Available [Accessed 24 Feb 2010] John Abbey, The credit crunch explained, [online] Available [Accessed 24 Feb 2010]
Friday, October 25, 2019
Essay --
Through the various events in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain presents the life of a young, adventurous character named Huck. This interesting character embarks on the Mississippi River through the novel along with a runaway slave named Jim. The Mississippi River serves as symbols of protection, retreat from society, and Huck's true morality. In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain contrasts life on water to life on land through Huckleberry's experiences. Mark Twain uses the Mississippi River as a symbol showing protection from danger. Several instances in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn include this contrast of the carefree and safe river and the dangerous and mischevious land. Huck and Jim encounter two con men, the King and the Duke, on land. The King and Duke put on a dramatic show for the town making them believe that they are the Wilks' brothers and are from England. Huck only knows the truth behind con men's tricks, and thus another troublesome event on land emerges. The Mississippi River actually protects him from all danger throughout the novel....
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Private Peaceful Essay
Have you ever felt like a character in the book that you are reading? Some authors write in such a way that makes the reader feel as if he or she were actually in the book. Michael Morpurgo is one of those authors. In Private Peaceful, he uses characterization, imagery, and setting to really help the reader understand and relate to the plot. Characterization plays a key role in making the reader relate to the plot. For example, in the beginning of the book, Tommy feels as if he does not belong in society. He is also dependent on Charlie and looks up to him to protect him and guide him through life. But, towards the end of the story, Tommy becomes completely independent and matures into a young, confident soldier. The situation shows the reader how war changes people not only on the outside but also on the inside. Another example is the friendship between Molly, Charlie, and Tommy. They had a deep friendship all through their early years and into their teens. Morpurgo then developed that friendship into a relationship between Molly and Charlie. This eventually excludes Tommy from the group and adds to the fact that he does not belong. The reader can relate to this if they have ever been excluded from a group or ever had a girl that they loved stolen form them. Another literary element that makes the reader connect to the book is setting. The setting is very detailed. The Peacefuls’ live in Hatherleigh, England which is near the southern part the United Kingdom. When Morpurgo describes where they live, the reader gains a picture of the setup of the town. He describes the house as an old cottage home which is next to a large hill. On top of that hill, the Colonel, the man that Tommy and Charlie’s mother works for and the man that owns their house, lives in his mansion. This provides an image that the reader can use throughout the story. Another example of where they live is the creek that lies just at the bottom of the hill where Molly, Charlie, and Tommy fished for trout when they were younger. This helps the reader connect situations to the picture that they already have of the layout of Hatherleigh. The setting then moves to France where Charlie and Tommy get thrown into the war. Morpurgo paints a mental picture of the setting as their bunker is right in front of no-man’s land and the enemy right on the other side of no-man’s land. He does this so the reader has an understanding of how close the enemy is to Tommy. The final literary element used in this book is imagery. Morpurgo uses visual, auditory, and olfactory imagery in the book. He uses auditory when Charlie, Tommy, Hanley, and the rest of the squad are sitting in the bunker and Hanley is ordering them to make a break for it but Charlie ignores the order and the rest of the squad moves with Hanley. Morpurgo depicts the rattling of the machine guns and the screams of the soldiers that were cut short. The visual imagery is used when the wall of Germans are coming over no-man’s land. He describes the German’s as an invincible wall that cannot be penetrated until he sees the Germans’ falling to their knees and falling over. This helps the reader see the wall and the Germans’ falling to their knees. Olfactory imagery is used when he is in the bunkers in France. Tommy smells men that have not taken showers in weeks and the stench of death. The reader now has an understanding of what war and death smells like. This makes the reader feel as if he or she were in Paris. The literary elements in the story bring the whole story together. The characterization, imagery, and setting makes the reader connect to the book and not just understand it. This book really explains the cost of war on cities as well as the people in it.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
The Trail of Tears Essay
The Trail of Tears Essay The Trail of Tears Essay The Trail of Tears refers to the forceful relocation and eventual movement of the Native American communities from the South Eastern regions of the U.S. as a result of the enactment of the Indian Removal Act in the year 1830. In the year 1838, in line with Andrew Jacksons policy of the Indians’ removal, the Cherokee community was forced to surrender its land to the east of Mississippi River and migrate to the present day Oklahoma. This journey was referred to as the â€Å"Trail of Tears†mainly due to its devastating effects it had to the Indian people. The migrants faced extreme hunger, diseases and exhaustion due to the forced march while more than 50,000 people died (Cave, 2003). The Trail of Tears resulted in a devastating effect for the Indians such as extreme hunger, diseases and exhaustion due to long walk and massive injustices and abuse of fundamental human rights. According to Perdue (2008), the Trail of Tears is regarded as one of the tragic eras in the U.S. history mainly due to the forceful relocation of the Indians. This is also considered as the beginning of the Indian extermination by the U.S. government even though they had lived in the country several centuries before the white settlers set their foot in America. After the American Revolution and the eventual creation of the U.S., the Indians were regarded as a separate nation within a sovereign country even though they were fully committed to a peaceful coexistence with the white settlers. However, the white settlers were mostly interested in the resources of rich and productive land under the occupation of the Indians. As a result, the U.S. government embarked on a long campaign marked by false promises, broken and false treaties, and threats of military force and racist attitudes to oust the Indians from their native territory. The U.S. government committed a heinous incident in its long history when it passed the Removal Act in the year 1830, which later resulted in the Trail of Tears. The Indians were moved to the west in an exodus that would ensure the new American settlers continued growing and prospering in their new country. The most famous of those forced from their native land by the U.S. government included Five Civilized Tribes comprising of the Choctaw, Cherokee, Seminole, Chickasaw and Creek (Cave, 2003). These tribes constituted the majority of more than 60,000 Indians driven out of their land and they were distinguished from other Indian populations due to their leadership forms and organization. They had functional social systems based on property ownership, government offices and established schools much like in Europe (Perdue, 2008). However, the U.S. government could not recognize them to be civilized enough to be their neighbors necessitating their forceful relocation. The Trail of Tears created a period of immeasurable misery and despair among the Indians who were being relocated against their wishes. In order to relocate the Indian tribes swiftly and effectively, the Indians tribes were prearranged into wretched and miserable traveling caravans. During the trail, the Indians passed through horrible living conditions that were unbearable, for instance, the Indians slept in the mud, lacked shelter and enough food. On the other hand, they were usually forced to march in chains or manacles. In most cases, if the poor living conditions did not kill them, severe disease outbreaks killed most of the Indians. They were plagued with diseases such as dysentery, pneumonia, whooping cough, pellagra and tuberculosis, which usually wiped out entire families (Cave, 2003). Consequently, the Trail of Tears resulted in massive deaths among the Indians apart from damaging the Indian American spirit and self respect. The 1830 Indian Removal act gave President Jackson the power to relocate the Indians under their consent while the act required that they be compensated for the relocation. However, this is not the manner in which the policy was implemented as the government engaged in false treaties with the Indians, broken promises and perpetrated lies while dealing with the Indians (Cave, 2003). The Choctaw Indians in 1831 were the first who were relocated and they became a perfect model for the successful relocations. The Seminole followed the Choctaw in 1832, then the Creek in the year 1834, the Chickasaw Indians in the year 1837, and lastly the Cherokee Indians in 1838. As a result, by 1837, it is estimated that more than 46,000 Native Indians from these southern states had forcefully been relocated from their homelands thus opening about 25 million acres for mainly white settlement (Perdue, 2008). In conclusion, the Trail of Tears is a perfect expression of the U.S. government’s act of inhumanity towards the Indians. The new white settlers in the U.S. had escaped the oppression in Europe and they were obsessed with their new freedoms in America that they easily trampled on the freedom and rights of the Indians. The Trail of Tears resulted in a devastating effect for the Indians who were forced to walk over 1,000 miles to Oklahoma in a trip where they walked without shoes or enough clothing (Perdue, 2008). The food provision was scarce, they suffered from severe diseases and a large number of the Indians died from the harsh conditions and diseases. The U.S. must never forget these shameful and sad moments in its long history with the hope that the country learns from the past, in order to prevent the occurrence of other atrocities similar to the Trail of Tears. Visit our custom essay service to have your essay paper written by professional writers. 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