Tuesday, December 31, 2019
A Case For Integration And The Existence Of God - 1152 Words
A Case for Integration Not all patterns of natural behavior are healthy and although psychology reaches for an understanding of human behavior it does not immediately classify behaviors as good or evil. Subsequently a need for comprehension of theology assumes itself. Recognition of human depravity allows for the inclusion of moral interpretation in psychology. Through Integration, psychology possesses a theological counterpart that confronts the depravity of humans, which in turn, allows for a fuller template for counseling the human than either field could alone provide. A failure for the two fields to work in cooperation prevents both psychology and theology from individually reaching full potential. This paper will attempt to discuss†¦show more content†¦According to the theologian and apologist, William Craig, â€Å"in the absence of God, that is, if God does not exist, then morality is just a human convention, that is to say, morality is wholly subjective and non-binding.†(Craig, ?). If this lacks truth than when advising an individual’s choice of action in a personal crisis, psychology lacks a justification in proposing any one course of action over another. Consequently, God’s moral authority possesses necess ary qualities of absoluteness that complement psychology’s attempt for objectiveness. If the underlining issue of human morality is perception than an intelligent higher moral authority outside of humanity could provide an objective morality. James states, â€Å"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.†(James 1:17 ESV) In addition to acting as a source of right and wrong this implicates that God owns fulfillment to human needs. Not only does this concept align with the realization that God is the creator of man as a whole, but this concept also suggests that the inclusion of God in contemporary psychology may further it. One example of contemporary psychology, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, easily incorporates the relationship between God and man into it. Although Maslow did not sport Christianity or God in pyramid neither did he ever own it. The layers dev oted to esteem and self-actualization fit aptly
Sunday, December 22, 2019
level 5 diploma in leadership for the children and young...
Introduction This assignment will show what services are available in early year’s settings and for young people to support positive development. It will show what assessments we carry out within my setting and I will also critically analyse agencies that are available for referrals, transitions and safeguarding for children and young people. Explain different theorist and frameworks of child and young person development. Cross reference Unit 136, Page 7 (unit 136 1.1.2) Explain the potential impact has on service provision of different theories and approaches. Cross reference unit 136, page 7 (unit 136 1.1.2) Outcome based services available for children and young people Health visitor Health Visitors are specialists†¦show more content†¦-liaising and working with parents -securing training for workers -liaising with outside agencies with respect to a childs special educational needs (SEN) such as speech Therapist, physiotherapist..etc. -ensuring a smooth onward transition and planning for moving on to school. As long as Information is recorded and shared with other professionals to help children and young people to get the help and support they require this is great but if information is not then the children will suffer. Disclosure and Barring Service The Disclosure Barring Service (DBS) was established under the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 and merges the functions previously carried out by the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) and Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA).It was previously called Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) checks for those providers who register with Ofsted. Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) is to help employers in England and Wales make safer recruitment decisions and prevent unsuitable people from working with vulnerable children and young people. It was highly publicized when child murder and abuse cases such as the murder of two pupils, Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman by a school caretaker that led to the establishment and development of the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB). In March 2012, figures from the CRB revealed the checks had prevented more than 130,000 unsuitableShow MoreRelatedEssay on Community Analysis10970 Words  | 44 Pages15 and 210.13, Lexington County, South Carolina County: Lexington Local Terrain [see figure 1.1]: Mountainous areas: none Bodies of Water: Lake Murray, Gibsons Pond, Mill Pond, Twelve Mile Creek The elevation is 392 feet above sea level. Major Shopping Area: within Main Street-Downtown, US 378 Bypass area, SC Route 6 off I-20. Major US Highways [see figure 1.2]: US 1, US 378, and US 6 intersect within the town of Lexington. 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Read MoreStrategic Human Resource Management72324 Words  | 290 PagesBusiness Management Study Manuals Advanced Diploma in Business Management STRATEGIC HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT The Association of Business Executives 5th Floor, CI Tower ï‚ · St Georges Square ï‚ · High Street ï‚ · New Malden Surrey KT3 4TE ï‚ · United Kingdom Tel: + 44(0)20 8329 2930 ï‚ · Fax: + 44(0)20 8329 2945 E-mail: info@abeuk.com ï‚ · www.abeuk.com  © Copyright, 2008 The Association of Business Executives (ABE) and RRC Business Training All rights reserved No part of this publication may beRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 Pagesobtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. To obtain permission(s) to use material from this work, please submit a written request to Pearson Education, Inc., Permissions Department, One Lake Street, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458, or you may fax your request to 201-236-3290. Many of the designations by manufacturers and sellers to distinguishRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words  | 1617 Pagesactivities, including built-in pretests and posttests, focus on what you need to learn and to review in order to succeed. Visit www.mymanagementlab.com to learn more. DEVELOPING MANAGEMENT SKILLS EIGHTH EDITION David A. Whetten BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY Kim S. Cameron UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Prentice Hall Boston Columbus Indianapolis New York San Francisco Upper Saddle River Amsterdam Cape Town Dubai London Madrid Milan Munich Paris Montreal Toronto Delhi Mexico City Sao Paulo SydneyRead MoreProject Mgmt296381 Words  | 1186 Pages6.5.2.3 Critical chain method Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Reducing Project Duration Leadership Chapter 2 Organization Strategy and Project Selection 1.4 Projects and programs (.2) 1.4.1 Managing the portfolio 1.4.3 Strategy and projects 2.3 Stakeholders and review boards 12.1 RFP’s and vendor selection (.3.4.5) SWAT analysis Schedule compression Leadership skills G.1 Project leadership 10.1 Stakeholder management Chapter 11 Teams Chapter 3 Organization: StructureRead MoreStrategic Marketing Management337596 Words  | 1351 PagesSecond edition 1997 Reprinted 1998, 1999, 2001, 2003 Third edition 2005 Copyright  © 1992, 1997, 2005, Richard M.S. Wilson and Colin Gilligan. All rights reserved The right of Richard M.S. Wilson and Colin Gilligan to be identified as the authors of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form (including photocopying or storing in any medium by electronic means and whether or not transientlyRead MoreFundamentals of Hrm263904 Words  | 1056 PagesManagementâ€â€10th ed. ISBN-13 978-0470-16968-1 Printed in the United States of America 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Brief Contents PA RT 1 Chapter 1 Chapter 2 UNDERSTANDING HRM The Dynamic Environment of HRM 2 Fundamentals of Strategic HRM 28 PART 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 THE LEGAL AND ETHICAL CONTEXT OF HRM Equal Employment Opportunity 56 Employee Rights and Discipline 84 PART 3 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 STAFFING THE ORGANIZATION Human Resource Planning and Job Analysis 110 RecruitingRead MoreHuman Resources Management150900 Words  | 604 Pagesthe HR entity so that each functional area of the company has an HR manager assigned to it. The HR managers were expected to be key contributors to their areas by becoming knowledgeable about the business issues faced by their business functional units. Today, HR managers participate in developing business strategies and ensure that human resource dimensions are considered. For instance, the HR manager for manufacturing has HR responsibilities for 600 employees. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019
Usefulness of Accounting Ratios in Financial Analysis Free Essays
Accounting ratios are a technique normally adopted by financial analysts in order to highlight the financial health of the company at hand. There are a vast number of accounting ratios, each of which outlines certain aspect of the organisation. The main areas normally considered are the financial performance, financial position and financial stability of the corporation. We will write a custom essay sample on Usefulness of Accounting Ratios in Financial Analysis or any similar topic only for you Order Now  In this respect it is imperative that one first classifies the ratios in accordance with the aforesaid categories. In this respect, the ratios that portray the financial position of SR Building Service Limited are: current ratio, acid test ratio, stock turnover, debtors days and credit ratio. Ratios are a static figure, which on its own merits is meaningless to the financial analyst. Therefore it is important that such figure is either compared in the same organisation over time or with a company in the same or similar industry. The financial ratios of Easy Build Limited are utilised in order to amplify the financial position of SR Building Service Limited. This will provide fruitful information on such facet. 1.1 Financial Position of SR Building Service Limited The financial position of the company will be examined in three main areas. These encompass the working capital on a generic basis, followed by the management of stock and debtors plus creditors. This will be conducted in the proceeding sections. 1.1.1 Working Capital of SR Building Service Limited The capability of the current assets to cover the current liabilities of SR Building Service Limited is inferior to the other company. This is revealed by the lower current ratio of the firm. The variance of 0.71 indicates that the short-term liabilities of SR Building Service Limited are in a higher proportion to the current assets. Such variable implies that management is less effective in administering the working capital of SR Building Service Limited. Further more, the ability of the most liquid assets (debtors and cash and cash equivalents) to cover the short-term liabilities is also weaker than that of Easy Building Limited. This factor is outlined in the lower acid test ratio amounting to 0.38. It is therefore pertinent to state that on a generic perspective the financial position of SR Building Service Limited is worse than the other business entity. Further amplification of the liquidity of the company can be performed by examining in more detail the main current assets and current liabilities of the organisation. These encompass the analysis of the stock, trade debtors and trade creditors of the firm. Such examination will be performed in the forthcoming sections. 1.1.2 Management of Stock The stock turnover ratio portrays the number of times stock of the company is turned over. The higher such ratio the more effective is the management in the utilisation of stock. An organisation with a low stock turnover ratio normally implies that the company is stocking goods for a considerable time. This is a highly risky element in light that the product may quickly turn obsolete realising a price lower than its original cost. For example, stocking a lot for retailers of clothes and electronic equipment namely computer hardware is significantly risky. Clothes may easily turn out of fashion leading to the aforementioned effect, and technological advancements may quickly turn electronic goods into obsolete products. Indeed organisations like Toyota nowadays are adopting a Just in Time Inventory System. Such technique encompasses keeping stock to a minimum, normally zero level. In light of the above, SR Building Services Limited surpasses Easy Build Limited on the stock facet. At this stage one would thus ponder the reason why the overall working capital of the firm at hand is weaker in comparison to Easy Build Limited. The proceeding examination may shed further light on such matter. How to cite Usefulness of Accounting Ratios in Financial Analysis, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
Disc Assessment free essay sample
DISC Assessment Paper Organizational behavior studies have become more significant in today’s present years than hey were before in past years, this is due to companies realizing that in order to acclimatize to the constantly changing business cultures that have stemmed from a competitive and rapidly moving market, they must put more emphasis on the correlation between human behavior and the organization.Understanding this concept has led many several companies to put investment into behavior assessments and seminars and use them as a training tool to educate their employees and learn the reasons for each person’s behavior and attitudes and how to handle and approach these various types of behaviors and attitudes. In this paper we will be discussing the study of various behaviors via taking the DISC platinum Rule Behavioral Style Assessment to identify both me and my learning team member’s predominant behavior styles. We will then analyze our behavior styles, our strengths and weaknesses identified within our styles and whether or not we agree or disagree with the assessment. We will write a custom essay sample on Disc Assessment or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The DISC Assessment categorized both of our behavioral types as being the interactive style and our sub styles were lc. The Interactive Style also called I Style is friendly, enthusiastic, a â€Å"party animal†that love to be where all the action is. They thrive on the acknowledgment, admiration and compliments that follow being in the spot light. They are more relationship-oriented than they are task-oriented.An Interactive style’s strengths are charm, persuasiveness, warmth and enthusiasm. They are gifted in skills and communication between individuals as well as groups. They are optimists with a large amount of charisma. They are also dreamers and idea-people who excel in getting others excited about their vision. All of these qualities assist them in influencing people and building alliances. The interactive style’s weaknesses are pinpointed as poor follow-through, carelessness, exaggeration and disorganization. They have a habit of getting to involved in too many activities and lose interest quickly.Furthermore, they can at times be seen as being impetuous, manipulative, and excitable when displaying behavior that is inappropriate to a situation. When analyzing the results of the DISC Assessment and the summary of my behavior. We were able to comprehend why we function and act the way that we do while interacting with our co workers, family and people. We both started to think about our adolescent years until now and realized that everyone wanted to be our friends and we were also chosen to be the leader most of the time.I would sometimes avoid being the leader and Gina would always be the leader but we were also both content with just being apart of the activities and tasks needing to be accomplished but our ability to drive others and complete task with enthusiasm would always show because of this we were thereby always moved to the front of the crowd. We also noticed that this same thing applies when were in the workplace; we were both again selected to be a leader after just a short time of displaying our abilities to charm and motivate.Gina noticed that she is always the person to excite employees and get them to produce at a faster pace when completing departmental tasks and goals. Gina saw that her managers are always pleased with her people skills and that they often use her as an example to her peers when adjusting or presenting new changes to the department. I identified that I was good at innovation at work and creating new ideas. Gina and I both welcome and look forward to change because it keeps and sparks our interest.We both despise boredom. DISC offered us so much information about our interactive style’s typical business characteristics such as wanting to be included by others in significant events such as research and brainstorming, resisting control and desiring freedom. In our personal lives we both also realized how our behavior style applied because we both don’t like when someone doesn’t give us their undivided attention and when were not given an opportunity to express ourselves or opinions.
Friday, November 29, 2019
Quantitative Methods and Analysis
Abstract This research report discusses about the impact of age, department, tenure, gender and position on the samples drawn. The gender disparity and its impact on the job satisfaction, how male and female get satisfied with their job. This particular issue was deemed relevant due to its depth and impact on virtually all aspects of an organization.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Quantitative Methods and Analysis specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Introduction A survey was conducted to determine the influence of gender, position, age, department and tenure on job satisfaction. The survey consisted of similar questions on job satisfaction with response options. The participant answered by selecting a value on a seven-point scale. The answers are marked and merged, through a excel, into a personality profile which represents how strongly each of the basic desires features. This was handled anonymously. The results are presented in an easy to use graphics along with a comprehensive assessment report. The scales were formed by adding the values of the individual questions of the scales by giving equal weight to each question. All categorical items on workload and strain were transformed on a value range from 1 (least satisfied) to 7 (most satisfied). In this case, the questions had seven response options with value of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. The scale value is computed as the simple average. Answer refusals or participants that answered less than half of the questions are considered missing. For the participants that answered at least half, the scale value was computed as the average of the answered questions. Chosen Variables The variables chosen were gender for qualitative variable and Extrinsic for your quantitative variable. Difference in variable types A qualitative variable sometimes-called predictor variable. It is varied and manipulated by a researcher. It is referred to as presumed cau se of an event.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More It determines the value of other variables. It is manipulated to create an effect on other variable (Bhattacharya and Johnson, 1997).). Quantitative variables are the variables, which a researcher/experimenter measures after altering other variables which affect quantitative variable (Wierenga Bruggen, 1998). This case is sufficient to understand the significance of both the quantitative and qualitative variables in a quantitative research methodology. The values of qualitative variables are derived from quantitative variables which can be altered further by variation the values of quantitative variables(Healy, 2009). Qualitative variable is considered as presumed cause of an event where as a quantitative variable is considered as the presumed effect of an event. The major difference between an qualitative and a quantitative v ariable is that quantitative values of qualitative variable can be altered by changing the values of the qualitative variable. It means that the values of qualitative variable are constant while those of quantitative variables are prior to changes (Babbie, 2009). Descriptive statistics: Qualitative variable Gender Mean 1.361111111 Standard Error 0.057003815 Median 1 Mode 1 Standard Deviation 0.483693406 Sample Variance 0.233959311 Kurtosis -1.699079748 Skewness 0.590692951 Range 1 Minimum 1 Maximum 2 Sum 98 Count 72 Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid 1.00 46 63.9 63.9 63.9 2.00 26 36.1 36.1 100.0 Total 72 100.0 100.0 Explanation of descriptive statistics From the table above, it could be suggested that the standard deviations are close to the mean value of the variable. The reason for using gender is that on two options either 1 of two. The standard deviations are 0.4837 on either side of the mean. Furthermor e, by observing the values of the variable collected 72 participants it could be concluded that the data is normally distributed as majority of the values lie within two standard deviations of the mean value. This is further proved by comparing the mean, median and mode values obtained in the table. The mode and mode are 1. Descriptive statistics: Quantitative variableAdvertising We will write a custom essay sample on Quantitative Methods and Analysis specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Extrinsic Mean 5.447222222 Standard Error 0.050659663 Median 5.6 Mode 5.7 Standard Deviation 0.429861498 Sample Variance 0.184780908 Kurtosis 1.424527887 Skewness -0.910864474 Range 2.2 Minimum 4.6 Maximum 6.8 Sum 392.2 Count 72 Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid 4.60 13 18.1 18.1 18.1 5.50 14 19.4 19.4 37.5 5.60 22 30.6 30.6 68.1 5.70 22 30.6 30.6 98.6 6.80 1 1.4 1.4 100.0 Total 72 100.0 100.0 Explanation of descriptive statistics Table above showed that statistical data derived using the excel program. Based on the statistical data, the mean was 5.45 with a standard deviation value of 0.4299. From this table, it could be inferred that mean, median and mode values are very close to each other, which is supportive of the normal distribution of data. The table presents an approximate normal distribution and showed homogeneity of variance. If these amounts were arranged on a graph, the frequency distribution would reflect the process variability. The values would be clustered close to the process average, but some of the values would vary somewhat from the mean. They too would have a distribution of values. Chart/Graph for qualitative variable Description of Chart Looking at the gender of the respondents it indicates that 26 were females and 46 were males this represents 36% and 64% of females and males respectively. Chart/Graph for quantitative variable Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Description of Chart The chart shows that 5.6 and 5.7 scales had 22 respondents each while 4.6 and 5.5 had 14 and 13 respectively, only one had 6.8 score. Explanation of standard deviation and variance Standard deviation is the variations from the mean while variance square of the standard deviations. The standard deviation shows that the data has a greatest deviation from the mean. What it means that the mean is widely dispersed that’s why it has a larger standard deviation. This reflects the averaging that occurs in computing the sample means: high and low values in samples tend to offset each other, resulting in less variability among sample means than among individuals’ values. Note that both distributions have the same mean; the mean of the sampling distribution is exactly equal to the mean of the process. Finally, note that the sampling distribution is normal distribution, even if the process distribution isn’t normal. The central limit theorem provides th e basis for the assumption that the sampling distribution will be normal or at least approximately normal, even if the population is not. The normal distribution can be used to help judge whether a process is performing adequately. If the output reflects only random variability, one would conclude that the process is stable. However, if there were evidence of nonrandom variability, one would conclude that the process is unstable. Importance of charts and graphs In a charts and graph shows how the variable are distributed. They are pictorial representation of the results of the company. The finding through the diagram is further reinforced by the value of the tables between the variables under consideration. Conclusion From the results analysis above, it can be concluded most people interviewed are satisfied. The present study also dissuades any conception about the differences between male and female in job satisfaction. The study treats both genders at par. However, there are tradi tional arguments suggesting that males tend to be more aggressive and dominating, and demanding as well as have stakes in major decision-making processes. Whereas, females behave in a submissive manner and do not have bargaining power comparing to male counterparts. These are not considered and invalidated as out of scope for this particular study. References Babbie, E. R. (2009). The basics of Social Research. Belmont, CA: Cengage Learning. Bhattacharya, G., Johnson, R. (1997). Statistical Concepts and Methods. New York: John Wley Sons. Healy, J. F. (2009). Statics: A Tool for Social Research. Belmont, CA: Cengage Learning. Wierenga, B., Bruggen, G. V. (1998). The Dependent Variable In Research Into Effects of Creativity Support System: Quality and Quantity of Ideas. M I S Quarterly , 81-87. This essay on Quantitative Methods and Analysis was written and submitted by user Charlie Wolfe to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Ethics of human cloning essays
Ethics of human cloning essays On February 23, 1997, news traveled around the world that scientists in Scotland had successfully cloned an adult sheep. What had previously seemed impossible, even to many scientists, was suddenly a reality. The sheep, named Dolly, had only one biological parent and possessed a genetic code identical to that of her original parent. Within days, the publics amazement over this development turned to questions of whether the technology that had produced Dolly could also be used to clone human beings. President Bill Clinton declared a moratorium on federal funding for human cloning research and appointed a commission to review the legal and ethical issues associated with the cloning of humans. More than three years later, there is still uncertainty about whether it will ever be possible to safely clone human beings. The scientists who cloned Dolly succeeded only once in a project involving the creation of 278 sheep embryos. The possibility of deformities and health risks in human children, as well as overwhelming public opposition to unrestricted cloning research, has led some U.S. lawmakers to call for a ban on human cloning, although no federal legislation has yet been passed. Medical and technical considerations are certainly not the only concerns surrounding the possibility of human cloning. The most contentious and difficult questions associated with human cloning are moral and religious in nature. Any discovery that touches upon the human creation is not simply a matter of scientific inquiry, President Clinton said in an Oval Office ceremony. It is a matter of morality and spirituality as well. In a recent poll presented by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life and the Pew Research Center for the People unrestricted scientific research related to human cloning and respondents most ofte ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Formal and Informal Management of Risks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Formal and Informal Management of Risks - Essay Example There can be a positive news though as some of what had appeared as risks would turn out as actually opportunities. Thus, monitoring on how the risks would unfold is a must. Investors can use indicators in monitoring risks. Price, price change, price change over time, the speed of price change and price movements in relation to a price reference like the price of the stock or equity, a year ago, two years ago, three years ago, or based on the equity’s average price over a period of history. All these are indicators or variables from which indicators can be developed or devised to put up a monitoring system in how risks may be developed and transform into serious threats or even opportunities. The monitoring system, for example, may identify what indicators or variables to monitor as well as the schedule in which the monitoring should take place. Meanwhile, Wood et al. focused on the management of risk as an element of risk governance and internal control. The Wood et al. persp ective only emphasize that the management of risks must be considered as an everyday task of management. In this way, however, life is also a management of risks. In living we are confronted with many risks: risk of bankruptcy with a major change in the prices of equity, hurricane, typhoon, drought, tsunami, earthquake, heat wave, climate change and the like. Some of the risks are particularly important in some periods and some become less important in a particular period. Our lives have informally developed a monitoring system for these.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
The Role of a PPC Manager in a Leading Company Term Paper
The Role of a PPC Manager in a Leading Company - Term Paper Example Goals could be varied for clients. For some clients, the aim is branding and for some others, it could be a direct response. Some clients focus on improving their return on investment and some others focus on improving the traffic to their website. The role of the PPC Manager also involves identifying the goals of the clients, setting up, and maintaining the campaign in such a way that the aim of the client is fulfilled. Based on job analysis, the key aspects of the role include managing a portfolio of client accounts, interacting directly with the clients to understand their business, driving revenue and improving customer satisfaction. The PPC Manager should be able to optimize the performance of the campaign, set and implement strategies to achieve the goal of the client and demonstrate product expertise on PPC models. Apart from being an expert on analytics and reporting, they should also demonstrate their expertise on industry trends and customer education. Â The basic pre-requisite of the candidate is to have around 3 years of experience in key account management, have proficiency in Microsoft Excel, be flexible and open, have very good communication and interpersonal skills. The candidate also should be a graduate with a good academic background. The HR Executive would conduct the phone screen interview. The aim of this interview is to see if the candidate fulfills the basic criterion required for the job.Â
Monday, November 18, 2019
Walmart. Final project Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Walmart. Final project - Lab Report Example SWOT analysis refers to the evaluation of an organization strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. A SWOT analysis offers an insight into an organization management strategy and the potential for success. Wal-Mart is an international company that provides home-based products at affordable prices. The company utilizes its strength in each of the market distributed worldwide, to meet the demands of their international and regional consumers. This paper seeks to provide a strategic insight of the company and a detailed SWOT analysis. Wal-Mart is a large wholesale distributor in the world that can afford modern construction technologies. For instance, during the year 2011, the company was ranked position one by Fortune 500 (Morse & Glassman, 30-40). Its operations are distributed worldwide and there is no worthy rival. Owing to its large influence on the market, Wal-Mart has the potential to replicate its best architectural techniques in all its stalls across the world (Roberts & Berg, 40). Wal-Mart uses variety of construction materials such as red bricks, steel-iron alloys, and coagulated tiles. In addition, it can suit its construction model with its retail products that cover cuts across different categories including apparels, domestic wares, and grocery. Wal-Mart’s dominant position allows it to benefit from high sales volume. In general, Wal-Mart’s strength includes international operations, scale of operations, wide range of products and cost leadership strategy (Hicks, 20-25). Wal-Mart is large supplier of domestic products and operates vast centers that require large construction space. This acts as a disadvantage as the company limit cannot expand beyond urban areas due to space. Research has shown that Wal-Mart has experienced loss in its store sales for the last eight years due to limited space (Kneer, 24). As such, Wal-Mart is required to develop new stores to accommodate fully its strengths concentrated in urban areas. This is
Saturday, November 16, 2019
International and global language
International and global language Introduction During the time, human societies across the world begin to contact with each others. When we travel to different countries we can find many similarities. The style of living, eating, shopping among people of different cultures are in the same way. Mc Donalds restaurants around the world are an example of these similarities. Globalization, which includes these meanings, is the process in which interrelation and interdependence of the world increases, specially in the last two decades. Technological improvements made easy for people to communicate better, for instance through internet they can communicate, travel and do international businesses easily. Globalization has increased opportunities for almost every one. Globalization helps human to exchange the ideas and beliefs. Today, much religion, historic and scientific books are available among different people from different nationalities. In the 21th century the English language plays an important function in the development of globalization. Today English become an important language for communicating. Many people use English language for varies purposes in their daily life. English is the language of technology and internet. Without knowing English we cant have a successful life. English is a vehicle for participation in the global economy. Parents want their children to learn English to have a better future. By learning English they can enter to the international trade and business. The global spread of English over the last 40 years is remarkable. English penetrate into many societies. Over 1.4 billion people live in countries where English has official status. One out of five of the worlds population speaks English. The number of people who speak English as a second or foreign language will exceed the number of native speakers. Know we are going to express why English become an international and global language in the world: After industrial revolution in 18th century and also during the 20th century many technological inventions such as telephone, electricity, fax, internet, etc became from English language countries. Countries with the economic and political powers can spread their languages into other countries. There are 3 parts in the world that English spoken in them. Native speaker such as: 1- England , USA, Canada, New Zealand Non native speaker: 2- South Africa 3-Asia: India, Malaysia, Pakistan There is a different view among people in learning English. Some of them have a positive view and others are negative. Many believe, learning a new language would be treating their own language. This idea is strong especially among those countries which believe English is an imperialism language developed by powerful countries. They believe powerful countries try to impose their language and culture to the world. When a new language merge to these societies, people realize their identity and respected language is going to be devaluated. In some cases people may look at a person who uses English in speaking as a segregationist or as people who want to corrupt a unity of people by bringing a new language or they are westernized. Occasionally those people who speak English in a localized context are ostracized by others. They have a negative view about English and English speakers; this view is coming from the policy and culture of the government which spread it among people. In a society which the majority of people speak a common language and reflexes their identity through this tool, speaking another language is then an unusual phenomenon. In addition the significant point is, the effect of environment on those people who speak English, they avoid using English in a public place, this is because they fear of condemnation and prohibition of their countryman. Many people believe during the time by knowing English, their culture and belief gradually would be change, English bring a power to them. Although others believe by knowing English they can access to information, because today many scientific materials such as books or internet are in English. teaching and learning English is a more complex task. And language learner is a complicated social being. ESL speakers are aware of the opportunities that mastering English as the dominant world language can bring to their lives Today English is an important second language and is the official second language and also it is used in the urban cities, in business and commerce and private sector. The view of rejecting English speaking people by some countries sounds to be true about postcolonial countries as Malaysia and some others which have a negative view about learning a new language. In contrast, in some countries knowing and speaking English is considered as a great advantage to be attracted by others. For instance, in Iran the person who is proficient in English is always respected by others especially in an academic environment. The students being aware of the need for English as an international language and also the language of technology particularly in 21st century (the age of communication) try to gather around this competent person to get benefit of his/her knowledge. As it mentioned in above, there is a positive view about learning a global language among the students of Iran. One of the desires of the students and parents in Iran is to be proficient in English. Parents register their children from the early age in the English institute; hope their children learn English to have a better future. Unfortunately the government policy is in contrast. The educational system in teaching English has many problems. In recent years there werent any significant progress in making a better system in teaching the students of schools. Unfortunately in Iran, the ministry of education doesnt make any decision. As I mentioned in the previous texts they believe by learning English their culture and identity would be in danger. This policy has damaged in many cases. For example we dont have enough international people in our country. Although Iran is one of the most beautiful countries in the Middle East but the number of people who travel to Iran for entertaining and visiting is not suitable. People can see hardly international people in their country, thats why they lose their chance to improve their English by communicate with them. People in Iran wish to be fluent in English but they can hardly achieve to this goal. Many of them try to learn English by their own sources. Speaking and listening skills among the students in Iran is poor. As we know this skills improve by communicating in the social context. Another problem that we have in Iran; There are many English books for educational purposes which are available in bookstores, most of them written by foreign author, few of them written by Iranian author. It is believed that English books which is written by foreigner have specific style and goal and they are not suitable .This books dont provide our specific goals. Definition of constructivism: Constructivism is one of the best structures in learning. This theory describes how students can understand the new world and constructs it by connecting their own experiences, those kinds of experiences which they gain during their life time. Each of us produces the specific rules and models which arises from our mental activity. By thinking and engaging in mental activity we can make new information and knowledge. The purpose of learning among learners is to construct hisher own meaning, not only memorize what others express to them, or imitation someone else meaning. In the school constructivism teacher encourage students to be independence and try to give them limit resources and information and led them to think individually in the lessons. Teachers want students to think, explore new hypotheses and information. Unfortunately in Iran we can see the learners do not participate in the process of learning. They have a fix curriculum which schools give it to them at the beginning of the year and they have specific books. They necessarily need to learn from the resources which schools give it to them. They cant engage in any other activity. They should listen to what teacher teaches, without challenging in the class. Also one of the beliefs in the constructivism theory is to connect the data and make a new fact. Students in Iran dont have enough background in English language and its culture. They start learning English from guidance school which is late in the process of learning. As we mentioned, they hardly can see an Englishman and it culture in their country, this lead to a culture shock. When they start learning, every thing is new, both culture and language, so thats why they dont have any information to connect with each other and make a new one. Socio-constructivism: In socio constructivism, the learners negotiate and share meanings with each other and also teacher. They discuss about the lessons in groups. Students cooperate and express new ideas in the class. Students work together and build new knowledge in cooperation with one another while benefiting from the knowledge and skill of others. Learning is a social activity .Our learning is associated with others human beings, our teachers, classmate and e.g. Schools in Iran are in contrast. The classes are teacher-center. This means the teacher teaches and students listen without exchanging any information and idea. Students must seat for a long time without participating in any activity. They feel tired after finishing the class. The teachers need to engage students in work group to think about issues and questions. One of the best methods that we see in UKM University in the school of English linguistic study is lectures want students to do assignments in group work these help students to interact with their classmates and discuss about their study. By sharing idea and information students create a new meaning and by this way they can understand and memorize better. We have a problem in the university as well as schools. Memorizing is popular in Iran. Students must study the certain books which schools provide them. Social Cognitive Theory, used in psychology, education, and communication, posits that portions of an individuals knowledge acquisition can be directly related to observing others within the context of social interactions, experiences, and outside media influences(Wikipedia) Through culture children acquire enough knowledge and they would be able to think. In short, according to the social cognition learning model, culture teaches children both what to think and how to think. Cognitive development can be appearing between students by discussing in the classroom with their classmates. Through discussion they learn to chare experiences and solve their problem. As I mentioned in the previous texts, in Iran the role of teachers in the class is only teach the certain book and material. Teachers dont encourage students in work group. Students study individually. They dont have any interaction in the class for learning better. English language in Iran is teaches as a foreign language not as a second language. Teachers have responsibly to give enough motivation to students but unfortunately they dont attention to it because they think English couldnt help learners in their social life. Therefore they look at English as a foreign language and usually foreign languages and cultures couldnt help people in social life. That why they dont attention to their duties to give motivation to learners and just obey the system of education in Iran. This view causes teachers dont use English well in the class and they mostly mention to grammar. Student in this environment would not learn the culture of English language and skills for speaking and communicating.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Consumer rights :: essays research papers
Caveat Emptor Let the buyer beware Consumer should be responsible about what he wants to buy, prices and quality Upto the consumer to chose wisely Consumer Protection Sometimes impossible to know whether the product is will work properly or not At point of sale consumer are protected by law concerning some aspects of their purchases despite principal of caveat emptor Consumer Rights United Nations Guidelines on Consumer Rights- 8 basic consumer rights that as consumers we are entitled to Rights are SAFETY - products/services should not hidden safety hazards in natural use - Fair Trading Act NSW has safety standards for particular types of products - Unsafe products can be banned ( product faulty and can not be sold again) or recalled (all stock taken back repaired and then put on the shelves) INFORMATION - information provided to customers must be accurate – consumer must be able to make an informed choice - labeling/advertising must not be misleading - Information required by law: - Prices - Capability of the product - Content and weight of packages - Care and size labeling on clothing - Country of origin of product - Safety instructions of use of the use of dangerous products - Fiber content of soft goods like soft toys - Date stamping - Additive labeling of foods and drinks i.e. colouring CHOICE - chose from a section of products - but or refuse to buy goods o services - to chose the seller they want to but from - to be free from unreasonable pressure to buy RIGHT TO BE HEARD - if small shop is difficult to be heard because no superiors - if large company you can: - talk to manger - make bad publicity - if concerning the law talk to Department of Fair Trading - If government co operation then talk to OMBUD (representative from the government) - Australian Consumers Association – group of consumers SATISFACTION OF BASIC NEEDS - access to basic essential goods and services - adequate food clothing shelter health care education and sanitation TO REDRESS - Receive a fair settlement of just claims including compensation for misrepresentation, shoddy goods or unsatisfactory services - Can ask for refund, replacement, repair - Faulty goods - Goods that are not fit for the purpose - Foods that are different to the example or description given - Services not carried out with due care or skill CONSUMER EDUCATION - inform themselves on specifications, requirements, capabilities of product or service - part of consumer’s responsibility - understand any terms condition contracts legal documents they sign - Before consumer buys should - Think - Is product necessary (avoid impulse buying) Consumer rights :: essays research papers Caveat Emptor Let the buyer beware Consumer should be responsible about what he wants to buy, prices and quality Upto the consumer to chose wisely Consumer Protection Sometimes impossible to know whether the product is will work properly or not At point of sale consumer are protected by law concerning some aspects of their purchases despite principal of caveat emptor Consumer Rights United Nations Guidelines on Consumer Rights- 8 basic consumer rights that as consumers we are entitled to Rights are SAFETY - products/services should not hidden safety hazards in natural use - Fair Trading Act NSW has safety standards for particular types of products - Unsafe products can be banned ( product faulty and can not be sold again) or recalled (all stock taken back repaired and then put on the shelves) INFORMATION - information provided to customers must be accurate – consumer must be able to make an informed choice - labeling/advertising must not be misleading - Information required by law: - Prices - Capability of the product - Content and weight of packages - Care and size labeling on clothing - Country of origin of product - Safety instructions of use of the use of dangerous products - Fiber content of soft goods like soft toys - Date stamping - Additive labeling of foods and drinks i.e. colouring CHOICE - chose from a section of products - but or refuse to buy goods o services - to chose the seller they want to but from - to be free from unreasonable pressure to buy RIGHT TO BE HEARD - if small shop is difficult to be heard because no superiors - if large company you can: - talk to manger - make bad publicity - if concerning the law talk to Department of Fair Trading - If government co operation then talk to OMBUD (representative from the government) - Australian Consumers Association – group of consumers SATISFACTION OF BASIC NEEDS - access to basic essential goods and services - adequate food clothing shelter health care education and sanitation TO REDRESS - Receive a fair settlement of just claims including compensation for misrepresentation, shoddy goods or unsatisfactory services - Can ask for refund, replacement, repair - Faulty goods - Goods that are not fit for the purpose - Foods that are different to the example or description given - Services not carried out with due care or skill CONSUMER EDUCATION - inform themselves on specifications, requirements, capabilities of product or service - part of consumer’s responsibility - understand any terms condition contracts legal documents they sign - Before consumer buys should - Think - Is product necessary (avoid impulse buying)
Monday, November 11, 2019
Benvenuto Cellini and the Importance of Individualism, Masculinity, Family and God Essay
Benvenuto Cellini and the Importance of Individualism, Masculinity, Family and God The Renaissance era, to this day, is thought to be the most influential period in human history as it brought about the rebirth of classical forms, interest in humanisms, and the concern for individualism. Renaissance, over many years, has been known as the idea of rebirth, expansion of culture and art, and individualism. There have been many Renaissance before but the most recognized was that of the Italian Renaissance. It led to the rebirth of art, architecture, Latin, religion, law which are just a few of many more. This era gave birth to the Humanist movement, which advocated the importance of individualism and human values. Most importantly, the Renaissance included some the most magnificent minds, which were polymaths and had immense skill and creativity. Over the years these great minds have come to be known as Renaissance men or women, people who are well educated and or excel in a wide variety of fields. Renaissance men like Michelangelo inspired all of Italy and Europe with his architectural designs and sculptures, the father of Humanism, Petrarch changed the concepts of scholastics, while Leonardo da Vinci left his fellow Italians in awe with his magnificent artistic and engineering skills. All of these men advocate the idea of secular ideas, freedom of thinking and individualism. It was during this substantial growth in the arts, sciences and religion that Benvenuto Cellini, one of the greatest Italian Renaissance Man, was born. Benvenuto Cellini was born in Florence on 3rd November 1500 and was professionally an Italian goldsmith, musician, sculptor, soldier and painter. This background of the Renaissance from the fourteenth and fifteenth century and the intellectual and artistic ideas of the sixteenth century are what shaped Benvenuto Cellini and his life to come, and then ultimately led him to write undoubtedly the most famous autobiography and the most important biography from the Italian Renaissance Era. Cellini started writing his autobiography at the age 58, in the year 1558, as he believed that he had lived a significant portion of his life and that he should write so people could learn of his great battles and achievements throughout his lifetime. Cellini mentions, â€Å"All men of whatsoever quality they be, who have done anything of excellence, or which may properly resemble excellence, ought, if they are persons of truth and honesty, to describe their life with their own hand; but they out not to attempt so fine an enterprise till they have passed the age of forty†(section 2, page 4). Although Benvenuto thinks of himself as an uneducated man, his beautifully written sonnets and carefully orchestrated work, says otherwise. Unlike many works of his time, the â€Å"Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini possesses both a historical and cultural significance. Benvenuto Cellini was the son of Maestro Giovanni Cellini and Madonna Elisabetta, who were both Florentine citizens. This fact, with others, act as a driving force in his love for Florence and why he decided to start writing his autobiography when he came back to Florence after several years traveling around Rome, France and many other cities. The reader can obvious conclude that this document can be of great importance in the study of Italian life during the Renaissance, but the tone with which Cellini wrote, remarkably relates to the movements that took place during the latter years of the Renaissance. Benvenuto unquestionably shows fondness toward individualism, humanism and self-development, two of which movements were common around the sixteen century. The term Autobiography is defined as study of oneself, and is obviously an ideal example of individualism. Cellini’s Autobiography surpasses that of his time, autobiographies during the sixteenth century exhibited a narrative of the works of the author. While Cellini expresses a detailed chronicle of his life, the triumphs he faced, the deepest secrets and his feelings towards his actions. No one from his time was able to document a masterpiece like such. Benvenuto shows the importance of individualism, masculinity, family, and God through this detailed account of his life. This style of writing was rare during the sixteenth century as Benvenuto opened his soul put it on a document, everything that he loved or hated, his legal or illegal actions, his friends and enemies. Benvenuto, like many others during the Renaissance era, was a true believer of God and that whatever good happened to him was due to the gift of God. He talks about the great lineage of his family and that he was born into a family with honorable men and states that God is very pleased that he should be born so that he could sustain this great foundation his ancestors laid down. One can see here that he exhibits everything that is of great importance to him. Family, as he talks about the honorable foundation of his family, individualism and masculinity is shown when he boasts about have great qualities to hold the foundation, and finally God, which he believes that it pleased God that he, was born. Even though Benvenuto believes that he is a true Christian, his actions are a long way from Christian, they prove otherwise. People during the renaissance were seen to have very unclear value and moral during to different renaissance movement. This effect is seen with some of Benvenuto’s decisions and actions throughout his autobiography. More than half of his conflicts and stories were handled immorally, for instance Benvenuto kills a person he dislikes without even thinking of the consequences or him fathering some illegitimate children. One can see from his tone that Benvenuto does not realize that he has committed a sin according to Christianity. He recognizes that there is a God and cherishes the religious ceremonies but does not live by it when it comes to morality. Here we can see that the idea of individualism and masculinity is of more importance to him. On one occasion Benvenuto he had to pay bail for an argument he had with his competitors. So, he reached out to his cousin for bail money, but the cousin refuses. To many people this does not seem like a big reason to be angered but Benvenuto’s anger causes him to kill around half a dozen of his enemies. Clearly, Christian morals were not thought about when Benvenuto decides to murder those men. Another important Renaissance aspect that was exemplified by Benvenuto in his autobiography was individualism. Individualism is defined by Webster’s as a theory maintaining the political and economic independence of the individual while stressing individual initiative, action, and interests. However, in context of Benvenuto’s work, individualism has a much deeper significance. He describes that his father began to breed him in many trades and hobbies especially music. The idea of individualism is greatly displayed here because even though his father wanted him to be interested in music and playing the flute, he followed his own interest and learned to become a skilled goldsmith. Today this type of action is very common, but as historians know, the profession on men in renaissance Italy depended on the profession of their father or family. The fact that Benvenuto thought was becoming a goldsmith shows that some of the renaissance movements had an affect on Benvenuto’s decisions. Although you also see here, the importance of family, Benvenuto decides to play the flute at times just to please his father, even though he hates playing a musical instrument. This family influence plays an important role in making Benvenuto part of the great list of Renaissance men, a good musician, magnificent goldsmith and many others. At a very young age, he mastered the skill of time management and gave up immature activities. This level of discipline was obviously very crucial because it would stick with him for the rest of his life also for the same reason make him one of the most famous figures in the Italian Renaissance Era. Boasting about oneself was not very common among autobiographies during the time of the Renaissance, which is what makes Benvenuto’s autobiography such a unique and important one. As mentioned earlier about his conflicts, Benvenuto loved to show his masculinity when he wrote about his conquests and his time as a soldier. Normally, the first time any person kills another human being, they do not brag about it but Benvenuto seems not affected by it and boast about how masculine it was. He describes in detail, â€Å"I found them at table; and Gherardo, who had been the cause of the quarrel, flung himself upon me. I stabbed him in the breast, piercing doublet and jerkin through and through to the shirt, without however grazing his flesh or doing him the least harm in the world. When I felt my hand go in, and heard the clothes tear, I thought that I had killed him; and seeing him fall terror-struck to earth, I cried: Traitors, this day is the day on which I mean to murder you all. Father, mother and sisters, thinking the last day had come, threw themselves upon their knees, screaming out for mercy with all their might; but I perceiving that they offered no resistance, and that he was stretch for dead upon the ground, thought it too base a thing to touch them†¦ When I got among them, raging like a mad bull, I flung four or five to the earth, and fell down with them myself, continually aiming my dagger now at one and now at another†(Section 17) Obviously, this detailed episode was meant to show the readers that he was the bravest man in Italy and that no one can bring him down. His masculinity was not all bad because it had a major contribution to his goldsmith profession. When he first got into a fight in Florence along side with is brother, he mentions that even though they were throwing stones at him, he never left his brothers side. He also mentions that the soldiers that rescued them praised and wondered how a young boy had such a valor. But this played to his advantage because due to this fight, he was banished to Siena for six months, during which he took up the goldsmith’s business and mastered his skill. Lastly, he mentions that when someone killed his brother, Benvenuto, in response to this, in an act of revenge, murdered his brother’s killer. After which he fled to Rome. This was the purest form of masculinity because it has to do with power, both physical and mental. Benvenuto embodied his masculinity by over powering his brother’s killer and taking revenge, really showing that he was a man. Lastly, importance of family and heritage was very common during the Renaissance Era, which meant family always came first. Benvenuto shows a great attachment to his family and was proud of his heritage as he says that his ancestors were men of valor. All throughout the autobiography he mentions his father and you can see that he always seeks for his fathers approval. As we know Giovanni Cellini was a musician and also made his own instruments, he wanted Benvenuto to follow in his footsteps but Benvenuto had no interest. Nevertheless you see on several occasions that Benvenuto plays the flute just to please his father. Giovanni Cellini’s influence is greatly seen in Benvenuto’s life, as he is partly responsible for why Benvenuto chose to become a goldsmith. He mentions in section seven that Giovanni posses a simple vein of poetry, instilled in him by nature, together with a certain touch of prophecy, through which he wrote these four verses under the arms of the Medici crest: These arms, which have so long from sight been laid Beneath the holy cross, that symbol meek, Now lift their glorious glad face, and seek With Peteris sacred cloak to be arrayed. This beautifully written verse inspired Pope Leo X to the extent that Giovanni was invited to Rome to take his place in the palace. Seeing the great influence this one inscription had on the Pope, Benvenuto commenced goldsmith in Rome. The earning he made from this business were also sent to his father because he was always worried about him. Clearly you can see that family was of great importance to him. Benvenuto Cellini’s life story is only one example of the Italian Renaissance Era. Observing all the events that took place in his life, we can now conclude how the Italian Renaissance affected individuals during that time period. But more importantly, the ramifications of the Italian Renaissance can still be seen in today’s modern world. Freedom and individuality is what American was built on and I conclude that many historical events played a role in world freedom, with specific significance on the Italian Renaissance Era. It is significant because it changed the thought process of people. Going back to Cellini and his self-development in terms of multi-mastery in a variety of tasks, art, music, sculpting, goldsmith, etc; now, imagine that every person during that time was improving himself or herself. When a movement like the Renaissance affects a mass population, the influence of it can be sustained and passed on from generation to generation for years. With his autobiography, Benvenuto shows the mastery of narrative and cleverly recites his life story as if the reader was listening to the great Benvenuto Cellini tell us about the great tales of his life. The successful way of incorporating his personality into his saga makes this autobiography a work of art. BIBLIOGRAPHY Primary Source Cellini, Benvenuto. The Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini. London: Penguin, 1998. Secondary Source Cellini, in Italian Renaissance Reader, 343.
Friday, November 8, 2019
The Sengoku Period in Japanese History
The Sengoku Period in Japanese History The Sengoku was a century-long period of political upheaval and warlordism in Japan, lasting from the Onin War of 1467–77 through the reunification of the country around 1598. It was a lawless era of civil war, in which the feudal lords of Japan fought one another in endless plays for land and power. Although the political entities that were fighting were actually just domains, the Sengoku is sometimes referred to as Japans Warring States Period. Pronunciation: sen-GOH-kooAlso known as: sengoku-jidai, Warring States Period The Onin War The Onin War that initiated the Sengoku was fought over a disputed succession in the Ashikaga Shogunate; in the end, nobody won. For the next century and a half, local daimyo or warlords vied for control over the different regions of Japan. Unification Japans Three Unifiers brought the Sengoku Era to an end. First, Oda Nobunaga (1534–1582) conquered many other warlords, beginning the process of unification through military brilliance and sheer ruthlessness. His general Toyotomi Hideyoshi (1536–598) continued the pacification after Nobunaga was killed, using a somewhat more diplomatic but equally pitiless set of tactics. Finally, yet another Oda general named Tokugawa Ieyasu (1542–1616) defeated all opposition in 1601 and established the stable Tokugawa Shogunate, which ruled until the Meiji Restoration in 1868. Although the Sengoku Period ended with the rise of the Tokugawa, it continues to color the imaginations and the popular culture of Japan to this day. Characters and themes from the Sengoku are evident in manga and anime, keeping this era alive in the memories of modern-day Japanese people.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
5-Paragraph Essay on Abraham Lincoln
5-Paragraph Essay on Abraham Lincoln 5-Paragraph Essay on Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of the United States, was born on February 12, 1809 and died at the age of 56 on the 4th day of March 1861. Lincoln was the president of the United States for four years from 1861 to 1865. Lincoln was born in Hardin County in the state of Kentucky in a small cabin that only had one room. His parents, Thomas Lincoln and Nancy Hanks were farmers who had a large track of land that measured 348 acres on which their cabin was situated. His parents were uneducated, however. Lincoln’s political career began in 1832 when he created a political campaign for a political party known as the Whig Party. This party was based on efforts that sought to improve navigation on the neighboring river. Ten years later, Lincoln married the love of his life, Mary Todd, with whom he had four sons. Unfortunately, only one of his four sons did not survive into adulthood. Lincoln’s participation in active national politics took a turn for the better in 1842 when he campaigned and was elected to the US House of Representatives. While at the House of Representatives, Lincoln accomplished a number of things including accrediting the American-Mexican war to then president, Polk. Lincoln was, however, not a popular figure with the democrats, due to his speeches that tended to go against the beliefs of the Democratic Party. In 1960, Lincoln’s political star had grown so much such that he was nominated by the Republican Party to become their presidential candidate. His temperate views on the issues of western origin and slavery are said to have significantly contributed to his preference as a Republican candidate. Throughout the election period, Lincoln did not give any speeches but instead gave the Republican organization charge of any speeches that were required. On the 6th day of November 1860, Lincoln assumed the highest office in the US when he was elected to the office of the president of the land. It was during Lincoln’s presidency that the Civil War began. This war began in the year 1861 and ended up consuming a large portion of Lincoln’s time as the president of America. Biographies of Lincoln report that Lincoln often found himself very frustrated by the events that were taking place in the war. The war eventually ended on the 9th day of April 1865 when Robert Lee decided to surrender in Virginia. The 14th day of April, 1865 is a popular day in Lincoln’s presidency because this is the day when, inside the Ford’s theater, Lincoln had gone to watch a play without his bodyguard who apparently had knowledge of the president’s planned assassination. It was while Lincoln watched the funniest part of the play, while seated on the balcony, that he was shot point blank in the head by John Wilkes Booth who had hoped that the noise from the cheers and laughter would swallow up the noise of the gunshot. Booth was captured, however, and the president passed away a few hours later. How to write a five paragraph essay about Abraham Lincoln: In the first paragraph, introduce your thesis. Make sure that you choose a contradictory thesis statement, otherwise, there wont be anything to support with further arguments. Take three major arguments that support your thesis and build three separate paragraphs to describe and support them. Dont forget to add your own opinion, but avoid being too emotional in it. Do you need a top-quality custom essay about Abraham Lincoln? Visit and order a custom written essay now!
Monday, November 4, 2019
Performance Management System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Performance Management System - Essay Example Performance management incorporates all the activities that increase the probability of goals being achieved. Performance management system is aimed the goals are met in both efficient and effective processes. Managers classifies a person has having successfully hurdled all so-called performance management systems. For example, the marketing employee is required to sell one car within one week. If the employee sells two cars, then the sales personnel is said to have passed his or her performance management requirements. On the other hand, if the employee is not able to sell a single car within the prescribed accounting period, the sales employee is classified as having failed his or her performance management system test. With the implementation of the performance management system, the people are guided in order they will stay on the right path. The path is equated with compliance with all job responsibilities. A person who is not being watched can be tempted to delay one’s work schedules. A person who is paid a daily wage would have a lesser drive to accomplish task when compared to a worker who is paid based on the quantity of work done in one day. The latter worker works faster because he or she knows that more work translates to more pay. On the other hand, employee who is paid on a daily basis will receive the same pay not taking into consideration the quantity of work done.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Seminar Arts and humannities unit 1 Research Paper
Seminar Arts and humannities unit 1 - Research Paper Example Some of the elements of humanities that children enjoy include exploring, field study, travelling, acting and researching. The reason why children enjoy these elements of humanities is due to the fact that they mostly practical and involve physical activity which children are more interested in. I still engage in these elements of humanities especially field study, exploration and research whereby in tackling humanities such as history and language I have to go into the field to get a more profound understanding of these languages and where they culminated from. Here are skills that one can learn from studying humanities that would enable one to be a more effective critical thinker. These skills include analytical skills, speculative skills and creative skills. Analytical skills are acquired through activities involving analyzing data for example historical data. Speculative skills are obtained due to the fact that in many humanities, one comes across very many theories which are speculative and hence one has to choose the theory that he or she thinks is correct. In acquiring these skills I am able to apply them in other fields of study that require critical thinking and therefore they will enable me increase my chances of getting to my intended
Thursday, October 31, 2019
SPORT DEVELOPMENT IN THE COMMUNITY Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
SPORT DEVELOPMENT IN THE COMMUNITY - Assignment Example In addition, physical activities help to encourage the youth and the disabled to attend school as it gives them something to look up to thus, increase the rate of school attendance in the community (Smith and Waddington 2004). The disabled, elderly, pre and postnatal are the greatest beneficiary of physical activities as physical activities enhances their social life, technical skills and communication skills thus, help to keep these group of people in line with the community. Hence, physical activities directly affect the community, as it is the main form of ensuring the continuity of the community, society development and regeneration (Stormann 1996). Physical activity is a branch of physical education since it has trainers and professional instructors who teach and offer instructions as a formal education. Physical activity is for people who need adaptation to participate in physical activities. Adaptation is research and practices that serve people of all ages who do not get good services offered by sport sciences and are disadvantaged in accessing opportunities provided by physical activities (Stormann 1996). It extends’ beyond disabled people and includes the aged, young and obese individuals, among other categories. Adaptation is provided in terms of appropriately modified and designed sport equipment( for example prosthesis and wheelchairs), using a different skill of instructions, modified task criteria , nonverbal instructions and increasing or decreasing court dimensions (Vail 1992). It is all about matching personal interests and strengths with the appropriate activities, to promote participation in physical acti vities. This is regardless of the population engaged in the physical activity. Leisure World Colchester is a physical activity centre, which serves the local community, students and members of
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
The incoming UK government Essay Example for Free
The incoming UK government Essay In 1997, the incoming UK government provided The National Literacy Strategy, a steady and consistent1 means of raising standards of literacy, in English primary schools. The motive behind raising these standards was for the economy because if the levels of literacy were to low in a significant proportion of the population, then the economy could have shattering consequences. In a report on the impact of literacy, education and training on the UK Economy, the accountants Ernst and Young estimate that; 60% of all jobs now require reasonable reading skills2 and goes on to warn that UK productivity is relatively low compared with its major competitors Whilst in opposition, the government had set up a Literacy Task force, which set out a National Literacy Strategy designed to raise these standards in English primary schools across the UK. Targets were set and by 2002, 80% of year six children were expected to reach level four or above in the Key Stage 2 English tests. The Framework inside the National Literacy Strategy had been derived from means developed by the previous government in the National Literacy Project, also aimed to raise standards of literacy but only in a specified number of LEAs. This Framework sets out teaching objectives from reception through to year six to enable children to become fully literate and it provides a useful structure of class and time management for the daily Literacy hour. It is also expected that extra time may be needed for the allocation of reading to the class, pupils own independent reading for interest and pleasure and extended writing as well as Literacy being productively linked to other curriculum areas. The main objectives that the framework focuses on is three broad divisions of literacy, these include word level work, e.g. phonics, vocabulary, spelling, and handwriting, sentence level work, e.g. punctuation and grammar. And finally text level work, e.g. comprehension and composition. The National Literacy Strategy gives examples of what a literate primary pupil should be able to do, for example, read and write with confidence, fluency and understanding; be able to orchestrate a full range of reading cues (phonic, graphic, syntactic, contextual) to monitor their reading and correct their own mistakes3 As far as childrens progress in reading is concerned the National Literacy Strategy states that from the outset children must understand that words are made up of letters and these letters correspond with spoken sounds. In Key Stage 1, they should be taught to check their reading for sense, using grammar and the meaning of the text. This should then help them identify errors and correct them, not only whilst in Key Stage 1 but Key Stage 2 and beyond. Methods of teaching reading suggested by the National Literacy Strategy include, shared reading, guided reading and individual reading, each playing an important part in the learning to read process. Shared reading involves the whole class using a text e.g. a big book, text extract or poster. Here the teacher leads the reading pointing as she goes, with the children joining in. This method was developed by teachers working with Don Holdaway (1979) in New Zealand and has advantages that can over ride some of the difficulties that teachers experience with regular books, for example the book can be shared by the whole class and every one can see the print, the teacher can direct the childrens reading by pointing to indicate where they start reading and can bring to attention certain words, punctuation, graphology quicker by indicating using a finger or pointing tool. Holdaways idea of shared reading and carpet time is to re-invent the bed-time story and create a homely routine that can be practised in the classroom, and allow all the children to have intimate access to the book. From my own experience of shared reading I find that the children enjoy this part of literacy hour because of the intimacy and informal set up of the classroom. I found that even years five and six enjoy carpet time because it brings the class closer together and the formal classroom atmosphere almost disappears. Research by Lloyd Eldredge, Ray Rentzel and Paul Hollingsworth at Brigham Young University proved that this method was more successful than previous methods i.e. round robin. After four months, the shared reading group had significantly higher scores on tests of reading fluency, vocabulary acquisition and comprehension. There was evidence that the supported reading experience of the shared reading group had the greatest impact on the word recognition abilities of the pupils who initially were the poorest readers 4 In this situation I found the children more likely to ask questions about the text or the vocabulary used and children who were not used to reading or seemed distanced when reading individual work were more alert and interactive and able to work from texts beyond their independent reading levels. From being in a classroom one of the difficulties I have noticed, especially in the reading progress, is coping with differentiated groups. This is where guided reading comes into action. As with shared reading, guided reading helps children to progress by developing a deeper and clearer understanding than might be achieved individually. Talking to the teacher and their peers whilst reading a text can develop skills such as critical perspectives, predicting plot developments and being able to extract key points in a text. As well as being developed for the childrens progress, guided reading was introduced to make more efficient use of the teachers time. A report by OFSTED (1996) found teachers spending too much time listening to each child read. Guided reading has been developed so the teacher is in a position to focus on points tat are relevant for the whole ability group rather than individuals. It has also been noted that boys respond more positively to active and interactive nature of such readings 5 This sounds all very well but drawing on my own experience I find it does not always work like that. When the teacher is working with one group, the other groups do not work to their standard, either because a discussion has turned into an argument, the children are having difficulties and there is no one to help or they have lost concentration. However, for what ever the reason the children are distracted, this part of the lesson seems to be a difficult section to maintain the standards and expectations as stated in the National Literacy Strategy. On my first placement I saw a different approach to guided reading, in the form of reading in pairs, a year six child and a year three child were reading partners. I believe that this reading partner technique should play a bigger part in the National Literacy Strategy than it already does. At present all it states in the document is; to enable other pupils to work independently individually, in pairs or in groups without recourse to the teacher 6 In the situation I witnessed where an older child choose a book for a younger peer and listened to him reading it, was a valuable experience for both children. The year three enjoyed the attention from the older child and seemed highly motivated in his reading. The year six however, gained experience in choosing books for other people, rather than reading a book he was thinking about suitable content, language and illustrations for the younger child to enjoy. This is an excellent way in which to offer a meaningful context for children to consider these different aspects of the reading process. For the year three child this partnership allowed for development within the zone of proximal development, this is Vygotskys description where; what a child can do with assistance today she will be able to do by her self tomorrow7 Also for the older child the routine is challenging as it enforces a different thinking. In the same twenty minute period as guided reading the National Literacy Strategy also expects some individual work to take place. The objectives for these are stated in the document and include; independent reading and writing proof reading and editing comprehension work8 The National Literacy Strategy also states that; pupils should be trained not to interrupt the teacher and there should be sufficient resources and alterative strategys for them to fall back on if they get stuck 9 Having taught a literacy lesson I find this last quote ironic. The whole point of having a teacher is to teach the children to read and here it says the children must be trained not to interrupt the teacher. I am speaking from my own experience when I say that no matter how many resources or alternative strategies you offer children, the child will always come to the teacher first. However, I do agree with the fact that children should be taught and learn, not train, to find information and solve difficulties using alternatives such as a CD-ROM or a dictionary. Other strategies that are discussed in the National Literacy Strategy that will forward their progression in reading include; Direction, this is to enable the pupils to know what they are doing, to draw attention to key points and to develop key strategies in reading and writing. Another example is modelling; pupils are to discuss features of written texts through the process of shared reading of books and extracts. From first hand experience I believe that the National Literacy Strategy, along with other documents i.e. National Numeracy Strategy, will benefit children and teachers and make primary pupils more literate. The structured routine is consistent and concise throughout Key Stage one and Key Stage two however, for a teacher to meet these standards and produce high quality work from the children as well as making lessons, discursive, interactive, well-paced, confident and ambitious (as stated in the National Literacy Strategy) is a demanding challenge. In 1992, Jaap Scheerens meta-analysed research from across the world and provided factors which affect schools and their performance. His research showed structured teaching was important and defined this as; making clear what has to be learnt, dividing material into manageable units, teaching in a well considered sequenceregular testing, immediate feedback10 His research also showed that whole class teaching is often more effective than individualised teaching and the time spent on subjects and how the children are inspired, challenged and praised all increase learning activity. The National Literacy Strategy incorporates most of Scheerens findings and because of the way it is set out as a uniform for the whole country to follow, I believe standards could be raised. However, I also believe that the way children are taught to read and understand texts by using extracts and part of texts could be damaging to the pupil. It makes reading seem un-enjoyable and this is exactly what the National Literacy Strategy is trying to avoid. Most of the children I have worked with have enjoyed the Literacy Hour more when they can work on a text they have read all the way through and they feel they have a better understanding and better liking of the text. Resource List * Eldredge, J.L., Reutzel, D.R., and Hollingsworth, P.M., 1996, Comparing the Effectiveness of Two Oral Reading Practices: Round-Robin and the Shared Book Experience, Journal of Literacy Research. * Ernst Young, 1993, Literacy, Education and Training: Their impact on the UK economy * Graham, J., Kelly, A., Reading Under Control, Teaching Reading in the Primary School, 2000 * Literacy Task Force, 1997b The Implementation of the National Literacy Strategy, DFEE * National Literacy Strategy, Introduction, 1998,DFEE * Scheerens, J., 1992, Effective Schooling: Research, Theory and Practice * Vygotsky, L., 1962, Thought and Language 1 Literacy Task Force, 1997b The Implementation of the National Literacy Strategy, DFEE 2 Ernst Young, 1993, Literacy, Education and Training: Their impact on the UK economy 3 National Literacy Strategy, Introduction, 1998, DFEE 4 Eldredge, J.L., Reutzel, D.R., and Hollingsworth, P.M., 1996, Comparing the Effectiveness of Two Oral Reading Practices: Round-Robin and the Shared Book Experience, Journal of Literacy Research. 5 Graham, J., Kelly, A., Reading Under Control, Teaching Reading in the Primary School, 2000 6 National Literacy Strategy, Introduction p 12, 1998, DFEE 7 Vygotsky, L., 1962, Thought and Language 8 National Literacy Strategy, Introduction p 13, 1998, DFEE 9 National Literacy Strategy, Introduction p 12, 1998, DFEE 10 Scheerens, J., 1992, Effective Schooling: Research, Theory and Practice
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Financial liberalisation
Financial liberalisation Financial Liberalisation refers to deregulation of domestic financial market and liberalisation of the capital account that implies removing the ceiling on interest rates. When it is in a liberalised system the competition between the different lending institutions for the deposits will increase interest rates on deposits which will increase the deposits. The availability of credit will increase and this will cause an increase in investment growth. The stages of growth increases activity in the financial markets that makes the introduction and the development of financial institutions. It is argued that financial institutions, by gathering and evaluating information from borrowers, allow the allocation of funds for investment plans to become more efficient and therefore encourage growth and investment. Banks have a role in the process of development. These banks gives the chance for individuals to hold their savings in the form of deposits, so lowing the need to hold them in the form of illiquid unproductive tangible assets, as this increases liquidity in the economy. Banks could use the deposits to invest such as currency and capital etc. While an individuals need for liquidity remains unpredictable, banks, by law of large numbers, face a predictable demand for deposit withdrawals, and this in turn allows banks to invest funds more efficiently. The rate of growth reacts positively to the interest rate but investment reacts negatively to the interest rate. Higher interest rate discourage low return investment, investors will be induced to undertake high return investments, thereby bringing efficiency to investment, which in turn will improve the growth rate to a greater extent than that which is possible under financial repression. Interest rate does not affect of saving indirectly but it is instead a role of income. The relationship linking the availability of credit and investment growth can be about interest rates which play a role more in particular, lenders and borrowers. The theory is they can be sure about the loans being repaid. The problem is that borrowers can not guarantee their repayments. With this in mind uncertainty enters into the equation in to the loan repayment so lender take measures in case borrowers plans are unsuccessful and lenders try not to lose their loan capital. So in order to cover this they use the credit standard in the loan calculation. For borrowers that mean they will have to be able get the credit standard in order to receive a loan. If liberalisation happened and the reason was a rise in interest rate this will increase the deposit and increases in the availability of credit. But a rise in deposit will affect the loan rate by increasing but in relation with the size of the loan cause increase in the repayment rate. So credit standard is set on size of the loan and when interest rate increases it does not cover the banks loan capital. So if banks would want to be covered by the credit standard they like to have zero credit risk. To achieve this they would increase the credit standard to make sure that they zero credit risk. This will mean that borrower would take a large amount or unable to meet the demand they will not be allowed the loan. This means an increase in the availability of credit will not guarantee access to the loan market. When interest rates increases, investors who want to get high returns will be attain less than they paid for and they will lose if they sell. Therefore they do not sell. Investors who invest large amount take advantage of high interest rate; these investors have a high credit risk. So the greater flow of credit makes share prices to increase and they higher profits because of the price increase. Since profit from the acquisition and the sale of shares rises, loan capital will be further attracted to the stock market, so it increases the stock market activity. This introduces the possibility of attracting a substantial portion of the loan capital to move different parts of the economy in favour of financial assets. This evidently raises a concern about the efficiency gain by means of liberalisation. In this process them return on loans will no longer be linked with the yield from shares; rather it will be inter-locked with the return from the expected change in share prices when economic activities are falling. If bad news spread that will decrease share prices. So investors will not make profit from the change in share prices. Therefore investors will find it hard to keep their debt in order. This is where a serious problem arises, and that is, if the actual price falls short of the expected price and so borrowers wont be able to keep their word that they gave to banks. In this problem arises because the banks cannot maintain their credit standard requirements for these borrowers. In other words, banks have advanced loans which exceed the aggregate value of the borrowers assets. Thus the core problem lies with banks needing to take high level of credit risk from large loans because of liberalisation. As said before any bad news that will cause banks a lot of problem and this will lead to a financial crisis. Because of this reason the crisis happens since most of loans had high levels of credit risk. The credit crunch is what economist use it means a shortage of funds for lending, which reduce the availability of loans. The credit crunch can happen for several reasons because of a shape rise in interest rates and the government has direct money controls and also funds decreasing in the capital markets. The latest credit crunch happened because of a sudden increase in defaults on subprime mortgages. The Credit crunch started in United States and eventually spread across the world. The mortgage lenders sold lots of mortgages to customers who have low income and who are first time buyers and have not got a good credit rating these customers are the called subprime borrowers. They thought that house market would boom and mortgages still reasonable but they were lax lending of mortgages to subprime borrowers. The reason they were lax is because mortgage brokers got paid to sell mortgages. These cause for more mortgages to be sold, even though it was expensive and high risk of default. Mortgages companies wanted to make more money on the subprime mortgages and they put the debt into a package and sold it to other companies. This is how it turned globally because of â€Å"package sub-prime home loans into mortgage-backed securities known as CDOs (collateralised debt obligations).†[timesonlinea. 24 Feb. 2010]. They sold it to hedge funds and investment banks because they thought they would get high returns on it. They tried to spread the risk but made the situation worst. The rating agencies gave subprime mortgages a low risk rating but they are very high risk rating and this got transferred to the lenders. In the balance sheets the risk would not be shown. â€Å"Many of these mortgages had an introductory period of 1-2 years of very low interest rates. At the end of this period, interest rates increased.†[mortgagesguideuka, 24 Feb. 2010]. So this cause mortgages repayment to become expensive after the introductory period because interest rate increased from inflation. Also â€Å"Homeowners also faced lower disposable income because of rising health care costs, rising petrol prices and rising food prices.†[mortgagesguideukb, 24 Feb. 2010]. Homeowners found it difficult to hold their houses because it was getting repossess. Many Homeowners were not able to repay the mortgage payments and so this caused an increase in default on their loans. Because of the defaults it was one of the main reasons of the end of housing boom in the US. With housing prices falling this caused further problems with mortgages. â€Å"For example, people with 100% mortgages now faced negative equity. It also meant that the loans were no longer secured. If people did default, the bank couldnt guarantee to recoup the initial loan.†[mortgagesguideukc, 24 Feb. 2010]. Many US mortgages companies went bust because of the increase in defaults but mortgage lender were not only to suffer as banks lost money in mortgage debt because of the package they got from US mortgage companies. Now Banks had to write off big losses and made them unwilling to lend, mostly in the subprime sector. This was a domino effect and the affect the rest of the world for borrowing money and raising funds. â€Å"For example, biotech companies rely on ‘high risk investment and are now struggling to get enough funds.†[mortgagesguideukd, 24 Feb. 2010]. Since the borrowing was restricted this also affected the economy with a recession very likely especially in US. But In UK mortgage lender were more controlled in lending than the US. . In the UK many problems occurred with Northern Rock who invested in subprime mortgages. â€Å"Northern rock had a high % of risky loans, but, also had the highest % of loans financed through reselling in the capital markets. When the subprime crisis hit, Northern Rock could no longer raise enough funds in the usual capital market. It was left with a shortfall and eventually had to make the humiliating step to asking the Bank of England for emergency funds. Because the Bank asked for emergency funds, this caused its customers to worry and start to withdraw savings (even though savings werent directly affected).†[mortgagesguideuke, 24 Feb. 2010]. Also another banks HBOS having the same situation. This shows that word and mouth can cause total panic in short amount of time. The events in the US caused the same problems in the UK with mortgages being expensive and the market drying up and with high risk mortgages taken away. This cause house prices to fall and homeowner facing negative equity so they default on loan, which makes bank lose more money. For example â€Å"Bradford Bingley was nationalised because it couldnt raise enough finance. The BB had specialised in buy to let loans, which are particularly susceptible to falling house prices.†[mortgagesguideukf, 24 Feb. 2010]. This credit crunch may last for a while because house price in the US as well as UK is still going down which makes mortgage loans under valued. Also interest rates are soaring especially when the homeowner finish their inductor periods. If a recession happens in US it could make more bad loans. It will be hard to get more confidence in the financial markets. In conclusion credit crunch could have been avoided if banks had a tighter restriction on access to loans, especially in the US and making sure no bad news circulates as this make people panic and making the situation worst. As for financial liberalisation it is important to introduce an interest rate ceiling on deposit rates to reduce excessive competition among lending institutions for depositors, which may minimize the possibility of financial crisis. Bibliography Books Lecture notes Basu.S. Financial Liberalisation and Intervention: A New Analysis of Credit Rationing Peter Howells and Keith Bain. (2008) The Economics of Money, Banking and finance A European text Fourth edition, Essex, Pearson limited Web Page E. Murat Ucer. Notes on Financial Liberalization, [online] Available from: http://www.econ.chula.ac.th/about/member/sothitorn/liberalization_1.pdf [Accessed 24 Feb 2010] David Budworth, The credit crunch explained, [online] Available from:http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/money/reader_guides/article4530072.ece [Accessed 24 Feb 2010] Credit crunch explained, [online] Available http://www.mortgageguideuk.co.uk/blog/debt/credit-crunch-explained/ [Accessed 24 Feb 2010] John Abbey, The credit crunch explained, [online] Available http://www.johnabbey.co.uk/wsb4919660101/creditcrunch.html [Accessed 24 Feb 2010]
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