Tuesday, December 31, 2019
A Case For Integration And The Existence Of God - 1152 Words
A Case for Integration Not all patterns of natural behavior are healthy and although psychology reaches for an understanding of human behavior it does not immediately classify behaviors as good or evil. Subsequently a need for comprehension of theology assumes itself. Recognition of human depravity allows for the inclusion of moral interpretation in psychology. Through Integration, psychology possesses a theological counterpart that confronts the depravity of humans, which in turn, allows for a fuller template for counseling the human than either field could alone provide. A failure for the two fields to work in cooperation prevents both psychology and theology from individually reaching full potential. This paper will attempt to discuss†¦show more content†¦According to the theologian and apologist, William Craig, â€Å"in the absence of God, that is, if God does not exist, then morality is just a human convention, that is to say, morality is wholly subjective and non-binding.†(Craig, ?). If this lacks truth than when advising an individual’s choice of action in a personal crisis, psychology lacks a justification in proposing any one course of action over another. Consequently, God’s moral authority possesses necess ary qualities of absoluteness that complement psychology’s attempt for objectiveness. If the underlining issue of human morality is perception than an intelligent higher moral authority outside of humanity could provide an objective morality. James states, â€Å"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.†(James 1:17 ESV) In addition to acting as a source of right and wrong this implicates that God owns fulfillment to human needs. Not only does this concept align with the realization that God is the creator of man as a whole, but this concept also suggests that the inclusion of God in contemporary psychology may further it. One example of contemporary psychology, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, easily incorporates the relationship between God and man into it. Although Maslow did not sport Christianity or God in pyramid neither did he ever own it. The layers dev oted to esteem and self-actualization fit aptly
Sunday, December 22, 2019
level 5 diploma in leadership for the children and young...
Introduction This assignment will show what services are available in early year’s settings and for young people to support positive development. It will show what assessments we carry out within my setting and I will also critically analyse agencies that are available for referrals, transitions and safeguarding for children and young people. Explain different theorist and frameworks of child and young person development. Cross reference Unit 136, Page 7 (unit 136 1.1.2) Explain the potential impact has on service provision of different theories and approaches. Cross reference unit 136, page 7 (unit 136 1.1.2) Outcome based services available for children and young people Health visitor Health Visitors are specialists†¦show more content†¦-liaising and working with parents -securing training for workers -liaising with outside agencies with respect to a childs special educational needs (SEN) such as speech Therapist, physiotherapist..etc. -ensuring a smooth onward transition and planning for moving on to school. As long as Information is recorded and shared with other professionals to help children and young people to get the help and support they require this is great but if information is not then the children will suffer. Disclosure and Barring Service The Disclosure Barring Service (DBS) was established under the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 and merges the functions previously carried out by the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) and Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA).It was previously called Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) checks for those providers who register with Ofsted. Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) is to help employers in England and Wales make safer recruitment decisions and prevent unsuitable people from working with vulnerable children and young people. It was highly publicized when child murder and abuse cases such as the murder of two pupils, Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman by a school caretaker that led to the establishment and development of the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB). In March 2012, figures from the CRB revealed the checks had prevented more than 130,000 unsuitableShow MoreRelatedEssay on Community Analysis10970 Words  | 44 Pages15 and 210.13, Lexington County, South Carolina County: Lexington Local Terrain [see figure 1.1]: Mountainous areas: none Bodies of Water: Lake Murray, Gibsons Pond, Mill Pond, Twelve Mile Creek The elevation is 392 feet above sea level. Major Shopping Area: within Main Street-Downtown, US 378 Bypass area, SC Route 6 off I-20. Major US Highways [see figure 1.2]: US 1, US 378, and US 6 intersect within the town of Lexington. 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To obtain permission(s) to use material from this work, please submit a written request to Pearson Education, Inc., Permissions Department, One Lake Street, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458, or you may fax your request to 201-236-3290. Many of the designations by manufacturers and sellers to distinguishRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words  | 1617 Pagesactivities, including built-in pretests and posttests, focus on what you need to learn and to review in order to succeed. Visit www.mymanagementlab.com to learn more. DEVELOPING MANAGEMENT SKILLS EIGHTH EDITION David A. Whetten BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY Kim S. 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Wilson and Colin Gilligan to be identified as the authors of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form (including photocopying or storing in any medium by electronic means and whether or not transientlyRead MoreFundamentals of Hrm263904 Words  | 1056 PagesManagementâ€â€10th ed. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019
Usefulness of Accounting Ratios in Financial Analysis Free Essays
Accounting ratios are a technique normally adopted by financial analysts in order to highlight the financial health of the company at hand. There are a vast number of accounting ratios, each of which outlines certain aspect of the organisation. The main areas normally considered are the financial performance, financial position and financial stability of the corporation. We will write a custom essay sample on Usefulness of Accounting Ratios in Financial Analysis or any similar topic only for you Order Now  In this respect it is imperative that one first classifies the ratios in accordance with the aforesaid categories. In this respect, the ratios that portray the financial position of SR Building Service Limited are: current ratio, acid test ratio, stock turnover, debtors days and credit ratio. Ratios are a static figure, which on its own merits is meaningless to the financial analyst. Therefore it is important that such figure is either compared in the same organisation over time or with a company in the same or similar industry. The financial ratios of Easy Build Limited are utilised in order to amplify the financial position of SR Building Service Limited. This will provide fruitful information on such facet. 1.1 Financial Position of SR Building Service Limited The financial position of the company will be examined in three main areas. These encompass the working capital on a generic basis, followed by the management of stock and debtors plus creditors. This will be conducted in the proceeding sections. 1.1.1 Working Capital of SR Building Service Limited The capability of the current assets to cover the current liabilities of SR Building Service Limited is inferior to the other company. This is revealed by the lower current ratio of the firm. The variance of 0.71 indicates that the short-term liabilities of SR Building Service Limited are in a higher proportion to the current assets. Such variable implies that management is less effective in administering the working capital of SR Building Service Limited. Further more, the ability of the most liquid assets (debtors and cash and cash equivalents) to cover the short-term liabilities is also weaker than that of Easy Building Limited. This factor is outlined in the lower acid test ratio amounting to 0.38. It is therefore pertinent to state that on a generic perspective the financial position of SR Building Service Limited is worse than the other business entity. Further amplification of the liquidity of the company can be performed by examining in more detail the main current assets and current liabilities of the organisation. These encompass the analysis of the stock, trade debtors and trade creditors of the firm. Such examination will be performed in the forthcoming sections. 1.1.2 Management of Stock The stock turnover ratio portrays the number of times stock of the company is turned over. The higher such ratio the more effective is the management in the utilisation of stock. An organisation with a low stock turnover ratio normally implies that the company is stocking goods for a considerable time. This is a highly risky element in light that the product may quickly turn obsolete realising a price lower than its original cost. For example, stocking a lot for retailers of clothes and electronic equipment namely computer hardware is significantly risky. Clothes may easily turn out of fashion leading to the aforementioned effect, and technological advancements may quickly turn electronic goods into obsolete products. Indeed organisations like Toyota nowadays are adopting a Just in Time Inventory System. Such technique encompasses keeping stock to a minimum, normally zero level. In light of the above, SR Building Services Limited surpasses Easy Build Limited on the stock facet. At this stage one would thus ponder the reason why the overall working capital of the firm at hand is weaker in comparison to Easy Build Limited. The proceeding examination may shed further light on such matter. How to cite Usefulness of Accounting Ratios in Financial Analysis, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
Disc Assessment free essay sample
DISC Assessment Paper Organizational behavior studies have become more significant in today’s present years than hey were before in past years, this is due to companies realizing that in order to acclimatize to the constantly changing business cultures that have stemmed from a competitive and rapidly moving market, they must put more emphasis on the correlation between human behavior and the organization.Understanding this concept has led many several companies to put investment into behavior assessments and seminars and use them as a training tool to educate their employees and learn the reasons for each person’s behavior and attitudes and how to handle and approach these various types of behaviors and attitudes. In this paper we will be discussing the study of various behaviors via taking the DISC platinum Rule Behavioral Style Assessment to identify both me and my learning team member’s predominant behavior styles. We will then analyze our behavior styles, our strengths and weaknesses identified within our styles and whether or not we agree or disagree with the assessment. We will write a custom essay sample on Disc Assessment or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The DISC Assessment categorized both of our behavioral types as being the interactive style and our sub styles were lc. The Interactive Style also called I Style is friendly, enthusiastic, a â€Å"party animal†that love to be where all the action is. They thrive on the acknowledgment, admiration and compliments that follow being in the spot light. They are more relationship-oriented than they are task-oriented.An Interactive style’s strengths are charm, persuasiveness, warmth and enthusiasm. They are gifted in skills and communication between individuals as well as groups. They are optimists with a large amount of charisma. They are also dreamers and idea-people who excel in getting others excited about their vision. All of these qualities assist them in influencing people and building alliances. The interactive style’s weaknesses are pinpointed as poor follow-through, carelessness, exaggeration and disorganization. They have a habit of getting to involved in too many activities and lose interest quickly.Furthermore, they can at times be seen as being impetuous, manipulative, and excitable when displaying behavior that is inappropriate to a situation. When analyzing the results of the DISC Assessment and the summary of my behavior. We were able to comprehend why we function and act the way that we do while interacting with our co workers, family and people. We both started to think about our adolescent years until now and realized that everyone wanted to be our friends and we were also chosen to be the leader most of the time.I would sometimes avoid being the leader and Gina would always be the leader but we were also both content with just being apart of the activities and tasks needing to be accomplished but our ability to drive others and complete task with enthusiasm would always show because of this we were thereby always moved to the front of the crowd. We also noticed that this same thing applies when were in the workplace; we were both again selected to be a leader after just a short time of displaying our abilities to charm and motivate.Gina noticed that she is always the person to excite employees and get them to produce at a faster pace when completing departmental tasks and goals. Gina saw that her managers are always pleased with her people skills and that they often use her as an example to her peers when adjusting or presenting new changes to the department. I identified that I was good at innovation at work and creating new ideas. Gina and I both welcome and look forward to change because it keeps and sparks our interest.We both despise boredom. DISC offered us so much information about our interactive style’s typical business characteristics such as wanting to be included by others in significant events such as research and brainstorming, resisting control and desiring freedom. In our personal lives we both also realized how our behavior style applied because we both don’t like when someone doesn’t give us their undivided attention and when were not given an opportunity to express ourselves or opinions.
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